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Nintendo's 6th generation console. Vastly overshadowed by the massive success of the PS2, the GCN never truly achieved market acceptance during its production; still, it had a fuckwin game library which, among others, includes games from Nintendo's flagship franchises and some of the best versions of multiplatform titles such as Resident Evil 4, Killer7, and Skies of Arcadia. One of the last game consoles released to be entirely about just vidya and nothing else (which was one of the reasons it failed).

There was a Japan-exclusive Panasonic Q, which was a Gamecube + DVD player combo. It's very rare, but if you find it for a reasonable price, pick it up.

It's noteworthy that you can play Gamecube games on a Wii, with actual controllers and memory cards. Later Wii revisions had the Gamecube ports removed and introduced a new disc drive which couldn't read Gamecube discs. You can still play Gamecube games on newer Wiis with homebrew, though.

There was also the smaller, black and red Wii Mini. It's intended to be a budget version. It has no SD slot, no Gamecube compatibility, no internet connectivity, a top-loading disc drive, much worse build quality and composite video only. Even if you find it very cheap, don't buy it unless you're a hardcore Wii collector. It sucks.

Dolphin, the GameCube/Wii emulator, has progressed to the point where it should be considered your first choice for experiencing the GameCube's library. Games can be played at higher frame rates and resolutions than what was possible on original hardware. There are also texture packs available for many games that make the art assets much more palatable at modern resolutions and aspect ratios.

The List[]

Box Art Title Genre Description
007 Agent Under Fire GC cover 007: Agent Under Fire FPS Awesome Bond FPS. Great Multiplayer.
007 Nightfire GC cover 007: Nightfire FPS Fuck yeah Nightfire. Bitchin' story, Bondan with Brosnan, and fucking amazing multiplayer. Sequel to Agent Under Fire.
Evornogc 007: Everything or Nothing Action TPS Third-person action shooter with more varied sequences and fun driving sections, as well as solid, GoldenEye-esque multi-player for up to your people. Also on PS2 and Xbox.
1080av 1080° Avalanche Snowboarding Fun sequel to the N64 game. It's more about winning downhill races vs doing cool tricks a la SSX.
Alien Hominid GC cover Alien Hominid Run 'n Gun Hyper-violent game originally conceived on NewGrounds, later expanded for a console release. Basically a Metal Slug tribute where you control an escaped alien going up against the rest of humanity in a Flash animation visual style. Also on PS2, XBLA (HD version), Xbox and GBA (EU only.)
Animal Crossing GC cover Animal Crossing Life Sim The first game in this Nintendo franchise to be localized, where your player avatar lives in an idyllic little town full of charming animal residents with distinct personalities. Though the main objective is to pay off your house, the game is all about managing and improving your virtual life, collecting items through activities like fishing and fossil-digging, and interacting with the townsfolk for seasonal events and prizes. Considered one of the best entries in the franchise for its art direction and world. The series continues on NDS and 3DS. The original Animal Crossing (Animal Forest / Doubutsu no Mori) came out for the N64 and received a translation patch later on, but is inferior in every way to the Gamecube port.
Darkallgcn Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Action-RPG Diablo-style action-RPG based on the D&D Forgotten Realms setting. Has few playable characters, but a solid campaign playable entirely in local co-op. Gamecube version has some framerate problems on original hardware. The sequel isn't on Gamecube.
Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings And The Lost Ocean GC cover Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and The Lost Ocean RPG One of the GCN's biggest JRPG experiences was this offbeat game by Monolith Soft (of the Xeno series games). A colorful fantasy adventure about a civilization of winged people who live on floating island nations, with a turn-based, card-based combat system where each card is a weapon attack, action or spell. Improving your characters' decks and learning the finer points of combat is essential to avoid getting stuck later on. Its main draw is the incredibly creative and strange world and character design, plus an excellent soundtrack and some shocking plot twists. Has lots of easily-missed unique cards, so you might want to use a guide.

HD Remaster of both Baten Kaitos games is planned to release on Summer 2023 for Nintendo Switch.

Baten Kaitos Origins GC cover Baten Kaitos: Origins RPG A prequel to the original Baten Kaitos, fleshing out the world and background of the game series while featuring some younger versions of its characters. The main party's new and consists of only three characters, which allows for stronger development. Follows in the footsteps of the previous game, but the card-based combat has been streamlined a bit to allow for easier combo-stringing. As per usual the story features some ridiculous, unforeseen twists. Released at the very end of the GCN's life, the graphics are great (as is the soundtrack). The series has been dormant ever since.

HD Remaster of both Baten Kaitos games is planned to release on Summer 2023 for Nintendo Switch.

Battalion Wars GC cover Battalion Wars Action Started life as Advance Wars in 3D but a name change later it became a rather different game. Instead of controlling your units directly from above, you actually control your units in a third-person view, always playing one of the men and swapping between different units. You can stay as one man, ordering your squad to fight or defend around you, or go all out and have several groups lined around the enemy. Very fun and addictive but rather hard later on. Sequel is on Wii.
Beyond Good And Evil GC cover Beyond Good & Evil Action A stealth-action game (with puzzles too!) about a freelance journalist in a unique sci-fi world. Follow her as she uncovers a massive conspiracy. Includes addictive photography side-questing and fluid melee combat (though it doesn't give you a lot of options). The game is quite linear but there's a fair bit of side-content, and though it comes up rather short in the end, everything is so meticulously and perfectly crafted that it's really no bother. Also on PS2 and PS3 (HD). Sequel is currently in development hell.
Billy Hatcher And The Giant Egg GC cover Billy Hatcher and The Giant Egg Platformer A unique little title by the Sonic Team. You play as a dude who got captured by talking chickens so that he can defeat evil crows threatening to stop the sun from rising. The chicken gods gave him a magic chicken suit so that he can bulldoze enemies with gargantuan eggs. Along the way, you come across your buddies who you saw in the intro video. Like you, they have magic chicken suits, meaning you can play as them after you save them from being tied to a bomb. Lots of good platforming. Groovy soundtrack. Sonic fans will like it a lot, it has that 90s Sonic charm.
Bloody Roar Primal Fury GC cover Bloody Roar: Primal Fury/Extreme 3D Fighting Primal Fury is NOT a port of Bloody Roar 3, it is an entirely separate game in the series, Like other games in the series it features the ability to transform into beasts mid fight offering a very unique experience, Bloody Roar Extreme is the updated Japanese version of the game with balance changes and bug fixes as well as an extra character, the game was later ported to the XBOX with its Japanese name though it lacks the balance changes found in the Japanese version.
Capcom Vs SNK 2 EO GC cover Capcom vs. SNK 2: E.O. 2D Fighting The biggest and baddest Capcom crossover fighter after Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Features upwards of forty fighters (including some lesser-known ones, like Kyosuke from Rival Schools, Hibiki from The Last Blade 2 and Maki from Final Fight 2) with unique Arcade endings for each and two hidden super-powered characters. If you don't normally play fighters, this has a beginner style that lets you pull off special moves with ease, so don't feel daunted. There's no reason not to pick this up!
Chaos Field GC Cover Chaos Field Shoot-em-up One of the few existing gamecube SHUMPS out there. Music and atmosphere are pretty good. It's pretty good, but not you're best option for a SHMUP, but hey, at least this one is in engrish now!
Chibi-Robo Plug Into Adventure GC cover Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure! Adventure Be really cute and explore the house, cleaning up litter and stains and killing robot spiders. Enjoy some costuming, giant roboting, aliening fun! As the game gets longer Chibi needs to solve the families personal problems and the story gets surprisingly deep. Two sequels on DS, but the gameplay has shifted a bit.
Cubivore GC cover Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest Action You play as an organism that must consume others to survive, grow stronger and ultimately reproduce. The game's style makes it so all animals are made of cardboard, with varying, often awkward shapes. This game gets very difficult and does not hold your hand for a second, but the concept is very interesting. No PAL release.
Custom Robo GC cover Custom Robo Combat / Sim Customize tiny robots with military grade weaponry and fight them. The battles are fun and the customization is really expansive. Has a great sense of humor, even when the story goes total grimdark. Actually gives two good explantions for why everyone uses Custom Robos. The series continued on DS, then died due to to low sales; Danball Senki/LBX is a spiritual successor.
Ffnygcn Def Jam: Fight for NY Beat 'em Up A hilarious game featuring various then-popular rappers as playable characters in over-the-top street fights, including Snoop Dogg as the final boss. Features customizable clothes and an extensive unlockable array of outfits. The combat system is surprisingly deep (and challenging) for a game of its kind, plus it features an extensive licensed soundtrack. Laughably silly blaxploitation storyline.
Donkey Konga GC cover Donkey Konga Rhythm Got some flak for being Nintendo's Donkey Kong series from the 6th gen. You jam out on these badass bongo controllers to the beat. Uses all kinds of music from different genres, some good, some bad. Fun for the whole family. Regular GC controllers are usable but kill the point. One important point is that the US, PAL, and Japan versions of 1 and 2 all have different song lists. So consider the list you like ahead of time. (No seriously get the PAL versions)
Donkey Konga 2 GC cover Donkey Konga 2 Rhythm Same as the first game, but a bit harder and with a new selection of music in each region. Can be somewhat hard to find, depending on the region.
Donkey Konga 3 GC cover Donkey Konga 3 Rhythm You should know what to expect by now. No western release on this one. Has the most number of songs in a single DKonga game: 57! There's some fun songs here, especially the game tunes, but a good chunk is Japanese anime, TV, and J-Pop. Unless you really love this sorta stuff, you may want to sit out on this one.
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat GC cover Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Platformer Aw shit, get ready for some trippy adventures. DK goes around beating the shit out of other apes to prove he's the true king of the jungle. Despite requiring the Bongos to play, this game's no gimmick-fest and the controls are very tight and involving. Level design is flawless, graphics are flawless, music is flawless. You might call this "Donkey Kong Country 4" over DKC Returns (or vice-versa, but both are fun and solid). If you want some classic platforming, do yourself a favor and get this. You won't regret it. Also available on Wii with different non-bongo controls.
Dragon Ball Z Budokai GC cover DragonBall Z: Budokai Fighting Pretty good fighting game by Atari and Bandai. Pretty fun, but not many charcters in this installment. The story mode is the best of all of the Budokai games, making this one the most faithful story wise of the Budokai games. Includes fucking awesome Legend Of Hercule unlockable which puts Hercule against the Z-fighters from the cell saga. GameCube version is supposedly better because it came out after the PS2 version, thus making the graphics better supposedly. Sequel is on GameCube as well. Also on PS2 (but no cel-shading), with an HD version of it through the Budokai HD Collection on PS3/360. (NOTE: DO NOT GET THE HD COLLECTIONS VERSION, THE STELLAR SOUNDTRACK OF THE ORIGINAL IS ENTIRELY REMOVED AND REPLACED IN THE REMAKE)
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 GC cover DragonBall Z: Budokai 2 Fighting Not as good as the 1st story-wise, but still a solid fighter. This entry has a different style of graphics that was used more often that the 1st one's style. Also has more characters than the first one spanning the Majinn Buu saga. Adds a new button pressing thing that dtermines who damages who instead of that burst attack thing from the 1st. Story mode is like a fucking board game, and you will be bored. Also on PS2. Sadly, not on the HD Collection, but one figures the story mode is to blame for that. Another GC DBZ game exist called DBZ Sagas, but one wouldn't recommend it at all.
DreamMix TV World Fighters GC cover Dream Mix TV World Fighters Arena Brawler Rather shameless Smash Bros. rip-off with characters from Konami, Hudson, and Japanese toy company Takara. The eclectic roster includes: Solid Snake, Tyson from Beyblade, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Master Higgins from Adventure Island, a Moai head from Gradius, and Licca-chan, the Japanese Barbie. The roster is half the fun, as the gameplay is a watered-down Melee with less interesting stages and lower attention to detail. Single-player is barebones and very easy, but required to unlock all those crazy hidden fighters. Japan-only. Also on PS2.
Entermatgc Enter The Matrix TPS/Beat'em'Up A pretty good Matrix game with over an hour's worth of original live action directed by The Wachowskis. Very satisfying combat system, decent enough plot, especially for the fans of the series. Two characters to play as, both with different plotlines. Goes for cheap, so pick it up.
Eternal Darkness Sanitys Requiem GC cover Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Survival Horror An ambitious story that spans multiple continents and centuries; on each chapter you play as a different character in history who encountered an ancient, supernatural force. The protagonist is a present-day college student who must piece together the story to defeat this evil once and for all. Features lots of puzzles and grotesque enemies, as well as a rune-based magic system for combat, and you are encouraged to defeat enemies instead of flee. The game is best remembered because characters have a Sanity meter, and if it drops the game starts to play with players' heads, duping them into thinking that their character has died or their game data has been deleted. An interesting game with a cool gimmick, though it gets repetitive because you'll have to play through the whole thing three times to complete it.
F-Zero GX GC cover F-Zero GX Racing / Being a Badass Insanely hard futuristic racing game. Great graphics and music too. Lotsa unlockables, lotsa tracks and even more racers. Prepare for some awesome "better than Wipeout HD" racin'! Best in the series.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles GC cover Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Action-RPG One of the best multi-player co-op RPG experiences of its generation, where you create a character from one of four different races and set out on an adventure to collect crystals and purge your land of miasma with your friends. The pastel-colored cartoon style was unusual for the franchise at the time, as was the active-time combat with melee fighting and area-of-effect spell-casting. Unfortunately multi-player (up to four players) requires each to have a GBA and link cable, which may be more trouble than it's worth. It's still a fun solo experience, though lacking in story for a Final Fantasy game.

A remaster was released for Switch, PS4, iOS, and Android, but it has no local co-op at all, and online MP exists but is somewhat lackluster.

Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance GC cover Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance SRPG Took the Fire Emblem series to 3D for the first time, though the core gameplay remains the same: command unique characters on grid-based maps to attack in turns. If someone dies, they're gone for good, but the game throws lots of characters at you to make up for most losses. Introduced a new world (Tellius) and story arc, as well as the Laguz class of were-beast people who cannot fight in their normal forms but have overpowered transformations for a limited time. It also introduced skills equippable to characters, expanding customization. Though the game lacks balance in places and 3D models/animations look kind of drab/slow, it's a solid game and a great entry point to the franchise. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (WII) is a direct sequel.
Freedom Fighters GC cover Freedom Fighters Action Underrated shooter with a similar plot to the Patrick Swayze movie Red Dawn. Noted for its fantastic squad system. Made by the same team behind the Hitman series as well as Kane and Lynch, its spiritual sequel. Also on PS2/Xbox/PC.
Gauntlet Dark Legacy GC cover Gauntlet: Dark Legacy Hack-'n'-Slash Classic Gauntlet hack and slash, with great gameplay elements and 4-player fun. Lots of unlockables, cheat codes, and levels make for a lengthy game. A sequel to Gauntlet Legends, it is also available on the PS2 and the Xbox.
Geist GC cover Geist FPS Solid adventure-FPS with a twist. Imagine an evil corporation that was a mix of Umbrella and the Ghostbusters: rather than reanimating soulless bodies, this one is in the business of disembodying souls - and using them for their own ends. You play as a ghost with the ability to possess people, animals, and machines, each with their unique set of skills, and must find out what the bad guys intend and how to get back to your body. Very unique gameplay, excellent visuals, a bit buggy, a lot hard but worth it.
Gladiusgcn Gladius RPG Awesome turn-based fantasy RPG set in Roman times. Made by LucasArts back before they sucked. The premise of the game is to recruit and train a school of gladiators in order to compete in gladiator arenas and stuff. There are 16 different classes to choose from, 15 different landscapes, and a fuck ton of different gladiator arenas. Sold like shit and hard to find now, but since it hasn't caught anyone's attention that it is a good game(despite getting really good reviews), if you can find a copy, it is most likely an inexpensive purchase. While on the Xbox and PS2, the GCN doesn't have (most) of the other's insane loading times, so get this verison.
Gotcha Force GC cover Gotcha Force Fighter A cult-fave Capcom game where you play as Borgs, weapon-wielding toy robots controlled by kids, who fight each other in playground parks, toy rooms, etc., but in gigantic scales. Most find the single-player campaign to be either hotblooded-and-awesome (fuck yeah, Kakeru and Nekobe) or goofy-and-meh (fuck no, Tama and Sho). Either way it helps unlock more of the 200+ Borgs. Multi-player is extremely fun and hectic, and probably the best part. Unlike Custom Robo, the customization here is about building an army of different Borg types to counter your opponent. Balanced vs specialized, lots of weak borgs vs a powerful few, there's no limit to how you form your force!
Ikaruga GC cover Ikaruga Shoot-'em-up Ee-Ka-Roo-Ga. Spiritual Successor to Radiant Silvergun. Made by Treasure, so you know it's good. It's also one of the only shmups in the Gamecube's library (seriously, try naming 5 GC shmups WITHOUT including Ikaruga!).

Also on Dreamcast, Arcade, Xbox Live arcade, Android and PC, each version is different when it comes to unlockables (of which the 360 version has none).

Killer 7 GC cover Killer7 FPS


An unusual and highly stylized game from cult director suda51 (No More Heroes). You play as a retired hitman whose split personalities manifest as seven different assassins with special abilities; you'll have to cycle through them to overcome obstacles. The game has a nightmarish color palette and cel-shaded graphics with a surprising degree of gore. Gameplay is entirely on-rails; you choose which path to take and engage in stationary first-person combat with exploding mutant enemies. The story is convoluted and weird, tying political and psychological facets into something that is alternatively hailed as genius and muddled, but generally comes off as a paranoid reflection of the post-9/11 world. Unique. The PS2 port has minor technical issues but is fine, the PC port is excellent.
Kirby Air Ride GC cover Kirby Air Ride Racing A Sakurai-helmed spin-off to the Kirby franchise, it is a game often overlooked by racing fans solely for it's cute factor alone, and because they were too focused on F-Zero GX. Though, don't let that fool you! This game is tons of fun with a couple bros! Race on 8 unique tracks in Air Ride mode, play a top-down arcade style racer in Top Ride, or race around a bustling city gathering powerups and experiencing thrilling events that range from Dyna Blade coming down and stomping on people to exploding meteors raining from the sky in City Trial! Also, it was one of the few games to have LAN play, which would have been badass if only more people liked the game. Very unappreciated indeed.
The Legend Of Zelda Collectors Edition GC cover The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition Action-Adventure / Compilation A promotional game disc containing The Legend of Zelda (NES), The Adventure of Link (NES), Ocarina of Time (N64), and Majora's Mask (N64). This delicious, delicious package also includes a Zelda retrospective video, and a 20 minute demo for Wind Waker. All the games play via this disc are emulated on the GameCube. It usually isn't a problem except with Majora's Mask, which has some sound errors (due to loading between rooms) and some freezing and crashing (though turning rumble off does stabilize it for some reason). A must-own unless you already have all four games, and even then it's convenient to have them all in one place.
The Legend Of Zelda Four Swords Adventures GC cover The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures Action-Adventure Basically a full-game sequel/expansion of the Four Swords multiplayer game that came with the A Link to the Past GBA port. Allows up to four player cooperative play, but can even be fun alone. Link(s) has new moves as well, like rolling, formations, and improved swordplay. Nice cartoony visuals, good music, and, of course, fun-as-shit gameplay (until THAT ONE ASSHOLE in your group fucks with everyone and steals their cash). Hard to find, but worth it.

Note: Multplayer requires everyone to have their own GBA and a GBA-GC cable.

The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time Master Quest GC cover The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Master Quest Action-Adventure / Compilation NOT THE SAME AS THE COLLECTOR'S EDITION. This was bonus for Wind Waker's release, and contains 2 versions of Ocarina of Time - the N64 original (also on the Zelda CE) and a Master Quest, which remixes the dungeons like Zelda 1 NES. Complete hell for the completionist who must have everything. Overall, it's fun for those who want to play OoT but can beat the original easily. An N64 ROM of OOT: Master Quest exists, but crashes at the very end. Master Quest is also on the 3DS remastery of OoT, but is flipped left-to-right similar to the Wii version of Twilight Princess, and you must beat the original version to unlock it.
The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess GC cover The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Action / Adventure After the unusual style of The Wind Waker this game was hailed as a return to form for the series, with a similar visual style to Ocarina of Time and a relatively dark story. Link can transform into a wolf in the Twilight Realm, which opens up a new set of skills. It's a full-fledged Zelda game in every aspect, though complaints included the graphical overuse of bloom, the excessive and predictable dungeons, and the lack of difficulty, especially in boss fights. However fans generally hailed it as a worthy successor to Ocarina and it was well-liked for its darker take on the franchise.

This version is generally considered better then the Wii one, though that one has motion controls, widescreen support and a slightly smoother framerate. Its also mirrored to have Link be right handed, so its kind of a Master Quest in a sense. A HD version came out for the Wii U. Has both versions of the game, motion controls a la Skyward Sword, runs in 1080p, has better lighting and textures.

The Legend Of Zelda The Wind Waker GC cover The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Action / Adventure After Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask took the Zelda series in darker directions, Wind Waker was a jarringly lighthearted and colorful game, with cartoony characters and cel-shaded graphics. It takes place in a seafaring world where Link must travel between islands by sailboat. Gameplay is excellent as usual, but constant sailing can be tedious, there are less dungeons than usual, and the Triforce-gathering quest is a momentum killer. Though it wasn't too well-received for its unexpected direction at the time, it is now fondly remembered for its vibrant game world, heaps of side-quests, and slapstick humor. Still, due to the game's mixed reception Zelda games done in this style moved towards Nintendo handhelds instead of consoles.

The Wii U HD port has better visuals and soundtrack. The biggest change being they fixed the Triforce quest at the end more tolerable. Had MiiVerse support but is gone now. Phantom Hourglass on the DS is a direct sequel. Spirit Tracks, also on the DS, is a distant sequel.

Twotowersgc The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Hack 'n Slash Great movie tie-in game. Play as various characters from the movie including Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, or Islidur as you recreate action scenes including big battles.
Lost Kingdoms GC cover Lost Kingdoms RPG Kooky RPG from FromSoftware. Build a deck out of monsters you capture, and then use your cards to capture even more monsters! The game play of this game is reminiscent of Pokémon with a little dash of Yu-Gi-Oh!, and those who enjoy monster collectan games will enjoy this one.
Lost Kingdoms 2 GC cover Lost Kingdoms 2 RPG This sequel to Lost Kingdoms expands and improves upon the gameplay of its predecessor. It's generally recommended over the first game, as Lost Kingdom 2's plot doesn't rely on the plot of Lost Kingdoms too much to hinder a newcomer's enjoyment.
Luigis Mansion GC cover Luigi's Mansion Adventure / Puzzle Not a platformer, so people were disappointed. Those who can look past this will find a fantastic game that's seated itself solidly in the Mario franchise. A goofy, ghostbusters-esque adventure starring Mario's brother in a haunted mansion. Use the younger Mario brother to navigate the ghost-infested abode while, scared out of his mind, he has to collect the SOULS OF THE DEAD with a VACUUM. Fantastic. Launch title for the GC. Really short but really good!

The PAL version is superior as the Hidden Mansion is mirrored from left to right and the difficulty is ramped up, making it sort of like it's own Master Quest.

Mario Golf Toadstool Tour GC cover Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour Sports Golf, with Mario. What else do you want! Developed by Camelot, the same studio behind the previous Mario Golf titles, as well as Golden Sun on GBA.
Mario Kart Double Dash GC cover Mario Kart: Double Dash Racing Didn't make any big changes to the gameplay (why would it?), though it featured the gimmick of two players on one kart; one drives while the other uses items. It's the kind of thing that's neat but gets boring quickly, fortunately you can still play normally. Aside from that it featured some classic courses (DK Jungle!) and a fantastic array of colorful and nicely-designed karts. Unfortunately even the game's toughest challenges are not that tough, and eight-player LAN is unfeasible these days due to how rare the GCN Broadband Adapter is. Still a solid entry in a very solid series, which also introduced the "snaking" technique to a wider audience.
Mario Party 7 GC cover Mario Party series (4-7) Board Game/Minigames Jesus Christ, Mary and Joseph on a pogo stick Nintendo, was it necessary to release THIS many Mario Party games on the Gamecube? They're all the same, except the story changes. Mario Party 4, you're just partying. 5, you go into dreams. 6, the Sun and Moon are fighting, so you have to compete to stop them. 7, you just go on a tour. It's always been the same, collect enough stars to win the game, play Minigames, etc, etc. MP7 also has the honor of being the only game in the series to support up to 8 players. If you REALLY love your Mario Party, then get all of them. But if you like them just for being fun games, then get one or two - probably 6 or 7, as those are considered better than 4 and 5.
Mario Superstar Baseball GC cover Mario Superstar Baseball Sports Generally fun and varied Mario sports game for GameCube, by Namco. Fun with friends, even fun by yourself, especially if your a big baseball fan. Has some fun modes and even a story mode? Huh. Sequel on Wii.
Mario Power Tennis GC cover Mario Power Tennis Sports Sequel to Mario Tennis for the N64. Very fun game, even with some of the ridiculous power shots. Ported to Wii with shittier controls.
Mega Man Anniversary Collection GC cover Mega Man Anniversary Collection Compilation Mega Man games 1-8 on one disc, plus bonus content. Unfortunately the jumping and shooting buttons have been reversed from the originals and cannot be remapped. If you can get used to that it's a great collection. Also on PS2 and Xbox, each version is slightly different. This version can be annoying as the GCN controller is perfect for 3D games, but garbage for older ones so you might want the PS2 one. Or grab yourself a decent third-party controller like the Hori retro.
Mega Man X Collection GC cover Mega Man X Collection Compilation Mega Man games X1-X6 on one disc. Unlike the classic series collection above, the ports on these are a little sub-par, with a few graphical and audio glitches. Also on PS2 with differences. Best if you pick up a retro controller like the one from Hori.
Mega Man Network Transmission GC cover Mega Man Network Transmission Platformer It's Battle Network series, but as a 2D platformer. You may just as well count this as part of the classic series; it even has the slide mechanic! There's catchy music and challenging bosses, plus a few Battle Network themed innovations such as battle chips. The traditional level select has been replaced with a Metroid-esque map connecting all the levels, which can be confusing at first. It can also be off-putting to realize you lose everything when you run out of lives. Still, it's a neat take on the franchise and shouldn't be overlooked.
Metal Arms Glitch In The System GC cover Metal Arms: Glitch in the System Run-'n'-Gun Play as a small robot with a huge arsenal of weapons. Very hard, very good. Great, but overlooked. Features a lot of levels, some funny cutscenes and a lot of robots. Also on PS2/Xbox.
Metroid Prime GC cover Metroid Prime FPS / Adventure Shocking everyone, Retro Studios managed to translate the atmosphere and exploratory qualities of classic Metroid to a 3D FPS. Samus explores an abandoned, contaminated planet taken as an HQ by the Space Pirates. Released before FPS controls became standardized, this game allows you to insta-lock on to enemies while moving with the left stick, making it very friendly to people who generally hate FPS controls. This also makes combat somewhat easy, but the focus isn't on fighting so much as exploring, scanning objects and monsters, and solving puzzles. Features a lovingly-crafted, seamlessly interconnected world and excellent graphics for its time, plus the controls are a dream. The only downside is that the Artifact-hunting segment really drags down the rest of the game, but it's still fantastic. Available on Wii as part of the super-rare Metroid Prime Trilogy (with motion controls, natch).
Metroid Prime 2 Echoes GC cover Metroid Prime 2: Echoes FPS / Adventure Continued in the same style as the first Prime title, but this time Samus explores a world with "light" and "dark" dimensions; the dark world is especially hostile, constantly draining her vitality and featuring fearsome alien monsters. Though the game was well-received, the overarching light/dark mechanic felt tacked-on and didn't gel well with the slower-paced exploration of these games; it didn't help that most of the game's puzzles depended on abusing this mechanic. It's also shorter but more difficult than the first game. Overall worth a play, but it failed to live up to the glory of Prime (few games can). The series continues on the Wii. Available on Wii as part of super-rare Metroid Prime Trilogy (with motion controls).
Midway Arcade Treasures GC cover Midway Arcade Treasures
(volumes 1, 2, 3)
Compilation A collection in three volumes for a total of 52 arcade games, including gems like Defender, Gauntlet, Joust, Paperboy, Rampage, Robotron 2084, Sinistar, Smash TV, Xybots, Hard Drivin', Pit Fighter, Mortal Kombat II, Primal Rage, Hydro Thunder, and San Francisco Rush 2049. That's some hardcore shit there.

See the complete listing here: vol.1, vol.2, and vol.3. Also on Xbox, PS2, and PS3.

Nbastreetmario NBA Street V3 Arcade Basketball Fun street basketball game. Play 3-on-3 ball as various NBA players(or Mario, Luigi, and Peach in the Gamecube version).
Need For Speed Underground 2 GC cover Need For Speed Underground 2 Racing A great throwback to the mid-2000s car tuner scene. You can customize basically every single element of the cars you own, which more than makes up for the fairly small roster. Gameplay is arcadey, but still holds up reasonably well.
One Piece Grand Battle GC cover One Piece: Grand Battle / One Piece: Grand Battle RUSH Fighting The original Japanese-only game is One Piece: Grand Battle Rush, the American 4KIDS port/bastardization is just One Piece Grand Battle. Get the American one if you're too lazy to import or whatever the Japanese version. Anyways, a fun 3D ish arena fighter akin to Power Stone, features a lot of One Piece characters to play as and has some nice special attacks to boot.
PN03 GC cover P.N.03 Third person shooter The most forgotten of Capcom's GameCube offerings, P.N.03 features an acrobatic woman named Vanessa who tests various combat power-suits in sterile sci-fi environments against robotic foes. The game is completely focused on the deep and challenging combat system and encourages players to surpass their own scores, because there isn't much content beyond unlocking new suits. Gameplay is unusual: not as free-flowing as you might think, it requires lightning-fast decision-making and strategizing, something like a blend between rhythm games and shoot-'em-ups. Definitely an interesting game that lacked any sort of flair or enough content to really sell its most engrossing aspects.
Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door GC cover Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door RPG A solid RPG that improves upon its predecessor in many ways. You can now pull off stylish moves, your partners have health bars, and an audience system is in place that judges your performance as well as helping you fight. Clever and funny writing. The gameplay is still very fun; so good, /v/ can agree on it. Prequel is on the N64, and the sequel is on the Wii (Super Paper Mario), but you don't need knowledge of those to enjoy this.
Peter Jacksons King Kong GC cover Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie Action-Adventure/FPS That's right, a good movie tie-in! Made by Rayman/Beyond Good and Evil creator Michel Ancel. Apparently Peter Jackson liked BG&E so much he chose Michel's team to create the game!

Play in first person as Jack, or in third person as Kong himself. Really fun, really atmospheric and very faithful to the movie, with some great voice acting from the movie's cast. One of the first games to throw away the HUD and rely on visual/audio cues to let you know what's up. While it's short (4–6 hours) and could use a few more Kong levels it's a great game and worth checking out.

Also on the Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2 and PC. The Xbox 360 version is superior due to heavily upgraded graphics.

Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 And 2 GC cover Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1 & 2 RPG Port of the Dreamcast game, but has a new episode plus split-screen multiplayer. Allows for third-party servers so the online community is still alive(ish). No longer have to pay a sign up fee.The game has a re-release called "plus" which features some bug fixes and additional content, but its pretty rare and expensive. There's also a sequel that's exclusive to the GameCube. It trades the first game's real time combat for card-based, and its not so expensive.

Also on DC, PC, and Xbox.

Pikmin GC cover Pikmin RTS A unique game straight from the mind of Miyamoto. You play as Olimar, a captain of an interstellar delivery company from the planet Hocotate who crash lands on Earth an alien world with a bunch of weird-ass creatures on it. With most of your ship (save for the life support which holds 30 days of clean air) scattered around the world, you enlist the help of Pikmin, tiny multicolored plant people, to assist you in finding and salvaging all the needed parts while also fighting off the many creatures who inhabit the Earth.
The last few days can be a real test of sanity, as it gets closer and closer to game over. There is no screwing around. A wasted day means game over. Also ported to the Wii for more wagglan fun!
Pikmin 2 GC cover Pikmin 2 RTS Considered better than the first one by most people. Removes the 30 day limit, and adds Olimar's stoner friend coworker Louie. Best additions are two new Pikmin, badass heavy purple and badass white ones. Premise of the game is to collect the many over-sized "treasures" (read: random shit found on the ground like bottle caps, batteries, and pot leaves) in order to pay off a debt Olimar's employer's shipping company has collected. Probably one of the most aesthetically beautiful games on the purple lunchbox. Also ported to the Wii (now in all regions) for more wagglan fun!
Pokemon Colosseum GC cover Pokémon Colosseum RPG If you enjoy Pokémon, this is a fun game with or without the GBA counterparts. The main game consists of an RPG where you initially start out with Umbreon and Espeon. As the game progresses, you are able to steal specific Pokémon from other trainers. Only worth it if you're a hardcore fan, as you can only even get certain Pokémon in the game, which restricts some of the freedom of the traditional Pokémon games.
Pokemon XD Gale Of Darkness GC cover Pokémon XD: Gale Of Darkness RPG Sequel to Colosseum in which it has a different story set five years after the original. This time, you travel alone, using a device to find Shadow Pokémon, instead of relying on Rui's shadow perception. Way better, more Pokemon to chose from and all that jazz. Can also link to the GBA pokemon games for trade/transfer which you can use to purify your Pokémon so fucking fast it's not funny.
Prince Of Persia The Sands Of Time GC cover Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Action / Platformer A fun platformer made even better by the ability to reverse time. Also noted for its well-done plot and realistic character development. Also on PS2/Xbox and PC, as well as GBA for some reason. Also on PS3 in HD as part of Prince of Persia Classic Trilogy HD.
Prince Of Persia Warrior Within GC cover Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Action / Platformer Improves on the combat from the first game at the expense of an idiotic decision to make the Prince darker and edgier. Fuck you, market research. Also on PS2/Xbox and PC, as well as PSP and iOS for some reason. Also on PS3 in HD as part of Prince of Persia Classic Trilogy HD.
Prince Of Persia The Two Thrones GC cover Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Action / Platformer Third game is better than the second. Also on PS2/Xbox and PC, as well as PSP and Wii for some reason. Also on PS3 in HD as part of Prince of Persia Classic Trilogy HD.
Puyo Pop Fever GC cover Puyo Pop Fever Puzzle One hell of a fun, frenzied, story-driven puzzle game! Guide the adorkable loli witch-in-training Amitie in her puyo battle adventures, combining the dropping gems by their color and starting fever chains to bury her rivals under an avalanche of annoying blank puyo.
Hoodlumhavgc Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc Platformer / Action Rayman is back in the third major installment. Rayman has to stop André from taking over the world. This installment is more light-hearted compared to Rayman 2 and doesn't itself too serious, don't want be all DARK 'N EDGY in a children's game. An HD version is available on the PSN/XBLA.
Redcard GC cover RedCard Sports / Fighting This soccer game doesn't want to be a professional simulation and thus combines fouls plus r******* boosted super kicks (that most of the time score a goal). You can play as the typical national teams but there are also special teams such as dolphins and samurais. (Yeah, I don't know why.) The game is so bad that it's actually fun. And yes, not even the referee gives a damn if you kick him in the face. (This is NOT a FIFA Street spinoff.)
Red Faction 2 GC cover Red Faction II TPS Not as good as the first, but still a solid shooter. Multiplayer is awesome fun with a friend as games can last up to one hour. Can blow up walls!
Resident Evil Code Veronica X GC cover Resident Evil Code: Veronica X Survival Horror Chris and Claire Redfield in the remake of Code Veronica for Dreamcast. This game had some good graphics for its time. Also on PS2, along with an enhanced version for the 360 and PS3.
Resident Evil GC cover Resident Evil Survival Horror A full remake of the game that kicked off the survival horror craze, with its claustrophobic indoors setting, obtuse puzzles, terrifying zombies, and general feeling of helplessness on the player's side. All of that is still here, but since the script has been re-worked and re-dubbed, it lacks the camp appeal of the original's blocky graphics and terrible voice-acting. Still, that seems like fair trade for amazing graphics, beautiful backgrounds, and lots of minor improvements to gameplay. There is also some extra content, including all-new and very tough foes. Ported to the Wii with 480p support (though the FMV scenes haven't been upgraded accordingly).

Remastered in HD for PC, PS3, PS4, 360 and Xbone.

Resident Evil 2 GC cover Resident Evil 2 Survival Horror A direct port of Resident Evil 2, with no improvements in graphics (doesn't support 480p, for instance) and doesn't have the extras of DC version. That's pretty cheap of Capcom, but if you find it at a reasonable price and don't have a copy of this game, then pick it up. Play as Leon Kennedy or Claire Redfield and search for survivors in the devastated Raccoon City; it's often considered one of the best games in the series.
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis GC cover Resident Evil 3: NEMESIS Survival Horror FUCK YEAR NEMESIS AND CAPS LOCK! This game is pretty fun and the whole nemesis factor adds to the fear. Also rare for some, thus usually expensive. Doesn't support 480p either.
Resident Evil 4 GC cover Resident Evil 4 TPS / Survival Horror Revolutionized Resident Evil and survival horror in general, for better or worse. RE4 features RE2's Leon Kennedy saving the President's daughter from a backwoods European zombie death cult. Tank controls and static camera angles are gone; this a shooter with an over-the-shoulder perspective. Ammo is still scarce, but you will mow down hundreds of zombies before you're done, and are generally encouraged to fight. Gameplay is excellent, and the story is dumb in an entertaining, possibly satirical way. Also had fantastic graphics, quite a bit of extra content, and while it wasn't really scary anymore, it was still tense and gory.

The PS2 port has a bit more content but slightly worse graphics; the Wii port has the best of both versions and motion controls. The PS3/360 version is based directly on the GCN original. Honestly they're all really good. The Ultimate HD Edition is exclusive to PC.

Resident Evil Zero GC cover Resident Evil Zero Survival Horror Takes place before the first game. Play as Rebecca Chambers and escaped convict Billy Coen as they discover what's going on in this damned mansion. Has a 'partner swapping' system where you can switch characters on the fly. Also on Wii (though with errors).
Ssecsig Second Sight Stealth / TPS Think simplistic splinter cell with crazy psychic powers and a government conspiracy plot. Made by free radical, makers of the Timesplitters Series. Some fun powers and well-designed levels.
The Simpsons Hit And Run GC cover The Simpsons Hit & Run Sandbox GTA: Springfield. Catches the feel of the show very well and is great fun. Lots of fan service with references to various episodes. The best Simpsons title since Konami's original Simpsons Arcade game, and way better than the next-gen EA offering. The Gamecube port is based on an earlier build of the game. Has some minor glitches and includes some scaled down textures to fit on a single GC disc. Still fun.

Also on the Playstation 2, Xbox and PC.

The Simpsons Road Rage GC cover The Simpsons Road Rage Arcade Racing/Crazy Taxi Clone A complete rip-off of Sega's Crazy Taxi series. Sega apparently agreed and sued Fox over it!

While not great it's still a fun little game and well worth playing, especially if you're a fan of the series.

Also on the Playstation 2 and Xbox.

Skies of Arcadia Legends GC cover Skies of Arcadia Legends RPG Very rare port of the beloved DreamCast JRPG starring sky-faring pirates in a world of floating islands. On foot you explore dungeons and towns and engage in traditional turn-based battles, while in the air there are sweeping, large-scale fights against rival ships or giant monsters. Fantastic soundtrack, character and world design, with a lot of optional content; and this port added even more of it compared to the original. The story is fairly typical for the genre but features a small and well-developed cast, plus the main character is especially likable for behaving like an actual pirate badass and not a meek teenager. This port's only downside is the dodgy sound quality and some censorship. No sequels or spin-offs, sadly.
Sonic Gems Collection GC cover Sonic Gems Collection Compilation Sonic CD, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic R, and six of the Game Gear Sonic games appear for you to play, including a few bonus games! Sonic R and CD are both ports of the PC versions. The soundtrack of Sonic CD is dependent on your location. As a bonus, the two Vectorman games are included. The Japanese version also included the Streets of Rage series and Bonanza Bros, but these were removed in the West to keep the age rating low (feel free to facepalm).
Sonic Mega Collection GC cover Sonic Mega Collection Compilation Sonic 1, 2, 3 and Knuckles, as well as all lock-on variants are all here, including Ristar, Mean Bean Machine and Flicky! Sadly, you have to play each game about thirty times to unlock most of these. Includes game manuals, as well as some random FMVs and a huge collection of Sonic comic covers. Also on PS2 and Xbox as "Sonic Mega Collection Plus" which includes the Game Gear games.
Sc2gamecube Soul Calibur II Fighting / 3D Often considered the high point of the 3D weapons fighting series, with an eight-way run system, a large roster, a dozen weapons for each character, a lengthy story mode, detailed character models and lavish stages. Fuckin Link from Zelda is a guest character in the Gamecube version. Holds up today as the most balanced and well-rounded SoulCalibur offering.
Spider-Man 2 GC cover Spider-Man 2 Action / Sandbox One of the better movie games ever made. Notable for having a huge sandbox version of NYC for you to swing around in. {C}Short main game but billions of sidequests. It's even fun just to swing around, who knows what things you may find. Just keep in mind that like all sandbox games from the 6th gen, the graphics are horrible but the framerate is stable. Has that pizza theme, Dr. Connor's Class, and Bruce Campbell is the fucking narrator. What else do you need.

Also on PS2 and Xbox.

Spongebob Squarepants Battle For Bikini Bottom GC cover SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle For Bikini Bottom Platformer/Adventure Overall a well designed game, despite mixed reviews. Graphics have held up decently over time and the levels have fun and interesting design. Main story is pretty easy, but getting 100% can be a challenge.

Also on PS2, PC, and Xbox. Also has a remake on the Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

SSX Tricky GC cover SSX Tricky Sports This title brought "Uber" tricks, off-the-board aerial maneuvers, to snowboarding. Very non-linear level design with plenty of terrain variety combined with the excellent trick system made Tricky unique and fun as hell.
SSX 3 GC cover SSX 3 Sports Do "Uber" tricks and explore the mountain. Best in the series, with tons to do and tons to buy and unlock.

Also on PS2 and Xbox.

Starfox Adventures GC cover StarFox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet Action-adventure The final Rare game on a Nintendo home console. Originally intended as a new property, it was turned into a Star Fox game partway through development, and it shows: it's an on-foot, Zelda-esque adventure with puzzles and dungeons, where Fox explores a planet full of dinosaur people with the help of a magical staff. Though definitely a curveball for the franchise with a tacked-on final boss, it's a fun and very nice-looking game if you can look past what it did to the franchise. Also remembered for introducing two infamous characters, the ever-annoying sidekick Tricky and the furry wet dream/love interest Krystal. There actually are some Arwing flight sections, but they are few and far between, not to mention kind of boring. At any rate, it's worth a try if you don't find it revolting in principle.
Starfox Assault GC cover StarFox: Assault Action / Rail Shooter Arwing parts good, everything else bad. Great soundtrack, bad voice acting. Though it has only ten levels, it does have some replay value but not much. Depending on region, there will be more or less unlockable games. English versions have weird cutscenes (blinking was accidentally removed). Has a hugely improved multiplayer, despite no one liking it in the N64 version.
Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast GC cover Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast FPS / Action Pretty good SW FPS with fun third-person lightsaber action. Also on PC and Xbox.
Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2 Rogue Leader GC cover Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader Flight Sim The sequel to the popular game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron for the N64, this time you're taken through Star Wars history as you're guided from one Death Star to another. Amazingly good graphics - some of the best of the generation - though the general feel of the game will remind you strongly of its N64 predecessor.
Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3 Rebel Strike GC cover Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike Flight Sim / Action The third in the series, this game is normally frowned upon due to the missions that take place outside of the cockpit. Of course, the missions that take place in the cockpit are top notch and match expectations of any other Rogue Squadron game. This game also includes a fun versus mode and a co-op mode where you can play the more consistent second game with friends.
Super Mario Sunshine GC cover Super Mario Sunshine Platformer The big Mario platformer of the GameCube era was a bit of a curveball: Mario gets framed for covering tropical paradise Isle Delfino in toxic goop, and sentenced to clean it all up with the help of a talking, water-shooting backpack. The gameplay is still standard Mario platforming but with the addition of water-spraying and some other tricks. There is a hub world from which you enter stages and obtain mission-based Shine Sprites, just like the painted worlds of Super Mario 64. There are some special sections where Mario loses the backpack and has to fall back on classic platforming, but they're not so common. Overall it was a nice change of pace for the franchise (especially visually), had a nice sense of place, and introduced some beloved characters.
Super Monkey Ball GC cover Super Monkey Ball Puzzle Maneuver your monkey, who is trapped in a ball, to end the exit area of about one hundred hard to stupidly hard levels. Even has some amazing minigames to enjoy, such as billiards, golf and flying. Has a number of sequels on many consoles but only 2 is worth getting.

Also on PS2/Xbox as Super Monkey Ball Deluxe which combines all levels from the first 2 games and adds new ones, but with worse controls and graphics.

Super Smash Bros Melee GC cover Super Smash Bros. Melee Arena Brawler Sequel to the unexpected hit on the N64, where characters from various Nintendo properties duke it out in a very unusual, platformer-esque take on the fighting genre. This game more than doubled the playable roster, featured almost entirely all-new stages, and had extremely tight and addictive gameplay, plus lots of collectible extras and mission-based challenges, not to mention a meaty single-player mode. Basically the whole package. (And tons of great music!) The sequels feature even more characters and content, but this game still has an active following for its faster-paced fighting and various gameplay-related exploits that have contributed to a dedicated competitive community rising around it.
Tales Of Symphonia GC cover Tales of Symphonia RPG The first fully-3D Tales game took the series to a new level of popularity thanks to its memorable main cast and fully active combat, where you can move characters around and assign special techniques to different buttons, even allowing for multi-player (but in-battle only). The lengthy story falls into a lot of typical cliches, but is buoyed by the characters and some unexpected moral choices/twists. It also has tons of extra content and a massive game world consisting of two alternate dimensions. A great introduction to the Tales series and a very solid JRPG on its own.

The JP-only PS2 port features some extra content. There was a direct sequel on the Wii, but it wasn't exactly well-received. This game and the sequel were ported to the PS3 with some additional content and Japanese and English dialogue.

Timesplitters 2 GC cover TimeSplitters 2 FPS A quirky FPS made by many of the men and women behind GoldenEye. Worth playing for its wealth of modes as well as its fantastic multiplayer. 10 main story levels and countless mission levels as well as a huge unlockable array of characters and cheats mean you'll be playing this one for ages. Also, map editor.

Also on PS2 and Xbox.

Timesplitters Future Perfect GC cover TimeSplitters: Future Perfect FPS See above, only now with Monkey Curling and a goofy plot. Lotsa new missions, a huge story mode and even more unlockables.

Also on PS2 and Xbox, which had online play, but that's probably long gone at this point.

Tomb Raider Legend GC cover Tomb Raider: Legend Action / Adventure This is the first appearance of Ms. Croft on a Nintendo home console, and it's nice to have her here too! The game is more action oriented than the previous entries for PS1, but you have some puzzles here and there that will put you to think. It takes place in various sites including Peru, Bolivia, Japan and Kazakhstan among others. Some of those levels are beautifully done. Anyway, it's a great game, rather short, but by the time you finish it you'll be probably missing a lot of hidden treasures. You can replay levels to acquire them and unlock new outfits for Lara, some concept artwork, and cheats among other stuff. There is a "time trial" mode which is quite challenging too.

Also available on PS2, PSP, PC, XBox, XBox 360 and PS3 (included in Tomb Raider Trilogy).

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 GC cover Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 Sports One of the best extreme sports games ever made. Perfected the formula from THPS2, and threw in Darth Maul. The sequel is also on Gamecube and is equally great.
Tony Hawks Underground GC cover Tony Hawk's Underground Sports Taking a departure from traditional Tony Hawk games, Underground places you in the shoes of an aspiring skater working to the big leagues. Easier than the previous games, but a lot of fun. Good story. Eric is the biggest asshole in existence. Play through it twice, and the ending will make you cum buckets. The second Underground game is also pretty good if you can look past the Jackass bullshit.
Tubeslider GC cover TubeSlider Racing / Tube Sliding A racing game where the objective is to slide down tubes, Space Pirates would love it.
Ultimate Muscle Legends Vs New Generation GC cover Ultimate Muscle: Legends vs. New Generation Wrestling / Arcade The definitive Ultimate Muscle (known as Kinnikuman in Japan) game. It's an awesome arcade wrestler that mixes real wrestling moves with super arcade over-the-top finishers. With twenty fighters, a hilarious story mode, and an awesome easy to learn yet hard to master gameplay, this is the ultimate game to allow the player to SHOW THEM WHO THEIR DADDY BE!!!

Also on PS2 as Galactic Wrestling: Featuring Ultimate Muscle with more characters but no story mode.

Ultimate Spider-Man GC cover Ultimate Spider-Man Action Follows the comic book series of the same name. Play as both Spidey and Venom, switching aesthetics and playing style. Noted for its comic book aesthetic, but overall a small step down from Spider-Man 2.

Also available on PS2 and Xbox.

Viewtiful Joe GC cover Viewtiful Joe Beat-'em-up A fearlessly original game by Capcom, where a movie buff gets turned into a ridiculous super hero and charged with rescuing his girlfriend. The game is an ode to action and superhero movies, allowing you to slow down or speed up time as your main combat gimmicks, and featuring lots of platforming and acrobatic action for a beat-'em-up. The dialogue is also hilarious and localization is great. Sadly it's a bit short and combat gets samey due to the lack of alternatives for dealing with enemies, but boss battles are especially great and the whole game is brimming with color and uniqueness. Has some cool unlockable content. The PS2 port features extra content, featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series as an unlockable character, but looks a tad bit worse.
Viewtiful Joe 2 GC cover Viewtiful Joe 2 Beat-'em-up Essentially an extension of the first game but you can now play as Silvia, Joe's previously kidnapped girlfriend, with her new abilities, adding a whole new level of hardness to an already hard game. Save Movie-land and prepare for awesome! Poor sequels on handhelds, ignore them and treasure 1 and 2.
Wario Ware Inc Mega Party Games GC cover Wario Ware, Inc.: Mega Party Game$! Mini-games A port of the first GBA WarioWare title, now on the big screen with multiplayer modes and a few bonus minigames. The cool cutscenes for each level have been removed and replaced with weird FMV things.
Wario World GC cover Wario World Action / Adventure Made by Treasure of all people, Wario World is a game about an evil black jewel that eats all your money and valuables and turns them into monsters. Wario being Wario, doesn't take this shit and platforms through 4 diverse levels throwing enemies around and smacking shit up. What is lacks in length it makes up for in fantastic models, a rich and diverse art style, and great music. Think of it like Wario Land 4 but in 3D and with more collectables.
Wwedor WWE Day of Reckoning Wrestling Gamecube exclusive wrestling game with gameplay derived from the N64 AKI classics. Has a cool story where you start as a rookie working your way up through the WWE ranks, joining up with either Triple H or the Undertaker.
Wwedor2 WWE Day of Reckoning 2 Wrestling Sequel to Day of Reckoning with slightly deeper gameplay and a story mode that continues from the first game where you must once again fight your way to a championship match at Wrestlemania.
Thirteengc XIII FPS Awesome James Bond style story where you play as a secret agent (voiced by David Duchovny, of The X Files fame) framed for murdering the president. Team up with war veteran general Carrington (voiced by Adam West, yes, that Adam West) as you try to regain your memory and clear your name. A decent, not great, first person shooter. The game has cel-shaded graphics, and comic book style cutscenes. Title is pronounced "Thirteen".
Xmlgc X-Men Legends Action / RPG Command the X-Men in an awesome squad-based real-time rpg. Everyone is unique, with tons of powers and abilities to upgrade and equipment to find. Tons of team combos.
Xml2gc X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Action / RPG Same deal as the first game, but now you team up with the Brotherhood, which essentially doubles the roster of characters.

Recommendation Copypasta[]

Sixth Generation
Consoles Sega Dreamcast - Nintendo Gamecube - VM Labs Nuon - Sony PlayStation 2 - VTech V.Smile - Microsoft Xbox
Handhelds Nintendo Game Boy Advance - Game Park GP32 - Nokia N-Gage - Nintendo Pokémon Mini - Bandai WonderSwan - Tapwave Zodiac