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The Darn List

Picture Title Genre Year Released Description
Age of empires-front Age of Empires RTS 1997 Quality Microsoft (SOMEHOW) RTS, advance your tribe from the stone age to the medieval age while fighting off rival civilizations and managing an RTS economy. BEST FUCKING RTS YOU WILL PLAY EVERY DAY. R.I.P. Ensemble Studios
Age of Empires II - The Age of Kings Coverart Age of Empires II: The Conquerors RTS 2000 The sequel takes you through the next 500 (actually, 1000 - from the fall of Rome, which was the 5th century CE, to about the fall of Constantinople, or 1453 CE) years or so, from the decline of the Roman civilization to the invention of guns. AOE III takes over from here, but it just doesn't have the charm of the first two. More detail, more customization, pretty much awesome all around, as long as you're into the RTS genre. Getting this with the expansion is recommended.
252px-Aliens vs. Predator 2 Box Cover Aliens Vs Predator 2 FPS 2001 Play as either the aliens, predators or humans, each with very different abilities and tactics.

The campaign is very atmospheric, especially the Marine campaign which does a very good job of bringing the feeling from the movies.

The radar's filled with white dots closing in, you just have your flashlight spinning in circles hoping to see them before they jump you.

They're right on top of you according to the radar. Silence. Then hell breaks loose.

Alice 1 American Mcgee's Alice Action 2000 Remember Alice in Wonderland? Well, take that, and run it through the mind of psychotic killer on a bad acid trip, and you've got American McGee's "Alice".

Lots of dark, weird, twisted imagery and gameplay, with surprisingly enjoyable twists on all your favourite characters from the classic story.

Official sequel has been recently announced by EA.

Anno 1404 Anno 1404 Sim, RTS 2009 An RTS set in the early 1400's (big leap there), good for anyone who enjoys the building aspect of RTS games.

Build your own city from scratch, progress socially, and get more stuff and better stuff to build.

The whole game is played out on islands, leading to competition over resource-rich islands. Combat is less ZERG RUSH and more focused on territorial expansion and economic disruption.

Watch out, it's super-easy to get locked into over three hour long campaigns while playing.

  • Note, this game is known as Dawn of Discovery in NA.
Another World Coverart Another World Platformer 1991 A simple platformer where you take the role of a human who's teleported to a hostile alien world and needs to find a way out.

The gameplay is reminiscent of the gameplay in Prince of Persia but the experience is much more cinematic.

Warning: You WILL die a lot, even if it's a pretty short game

Aom front Age of Mythology RTS 2002 Step back from Empires II and embrace yourself in the mythic age. Easily one of the best RTS games out there.
Anachronox Anachronox RPG 2001 A game with JRPG elements, but without all of the teenagers, campy androgynous villains or ridiculous hairstyles. You play as Silvester 'Sly Boots' Bucelli, a failed private detective, who in his desperation to find work (and thus repay his debt to the local mobsters) falls upon an evil plot and etc... you get the idea. Anti-hero type protagonist is a breath of fresh air to this genre, as is the originality of the other characters in the entourage (joining the party you have a miniaturized planet, and an aging Mexican wrestler, to name a couple). If you like sci-fi, sci-fi-humor and RPG games, you'll probably like this one.

Note: Make sure you patch it if you get it, as the unpatched version is buggy as hell.

Aquaria Aquaria Metroidvania 2007 Massive award-winning indie title created by Spelunky programmer Derek Yu and Crayon Physics Deluxe composer Alec Holowka, Aquaria features huge underwater environments with an emphasis on exploration, challenging-but-not-stupid boss battles, and an absolutely phenomenal soundtrack.

An absolute must-have for any Metroidvania fan.

Arcanum Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura RPG 2001 Steampunk RPG set in a world where magic and technology coexist in constant conflict.

With no set classes you can set up any character you want, from gun-slinging thief to magic-powered diplomat.

Tons of shit to do and you can approach pretty much every single situation from different directions, with genuinely different gameplay depending on what you do.

Combat system's quite broken (it's easy to exploit the system) but just put it into realtime and it's far more tolerable. You're not playing this game for the fightan anyway.

There are already Unofficial Patches fixing some of the glitches and bugs but the gameplay is still about 80% playable with some of the broken things rarely noticed.

Arx-fatalis box Arx Fatalis RPG 2003 Arx Fatalis is set on a world whose sun has failed, forcing the above-ground creatures to take refuge in subterranean caverns.

The action in Arx takes place in one of these large caves, where inhabitants from all races such as Trolls, Goblins, Dwarves, Humans, etc. have made their homes on various levels of the cave.

The player awakens inside a prison cell and, after making his escape,

Audiosurf Audiosurf Rhythm 2008 A block-matching puzzle-type game, where the levels are generated completely from whatever music tracks you choose to play.

Fast music gets you quick and hectic stages, while slow music lets you ride easy .Excellent replay value, because unlike other music games, you're only limited by the size of your music collection.

Also comes with a set of downloadable music updated regularly if you're a boring person and don't have your own music, and you can scrobble the music you play to last.fm if you're a faggot.

Baldurs Baldur's Gate RPG 1998 Roleplaying game based on D&D universe, great story and characters, you have control over a party up to six heroes, and well, its one of the best RPGs of all time.
Bg2-1 Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn RPG 2000 You control a party of 6 characters, each with their own extensive personalities. If you carry both Good and Evil NPCs in the same group, or if you heckle them,

they will often leave or try to kill you/each other. High charisma generally avoids the more extreme actions, however.

D&D rules are in effect, giving you the option to choose from almost any fantasy class or multi or dual class.

A pause feature allows for perfect management of the 6 (or less if you want for fewer for some reason) characters in your control.

There are well over 100 different spells and 20 levels in the original, more in the expansion.

Battle engine aquila Battle Engine Aquila FPS/Flight 2003 Walker mode, kill stuff while on land. Jet mode, kill stuff while in the air.

Watch your shields, attack factories and blow shit up on an epic scale as a one man army,

fightin' the bad guys and participating in dynamic battles. If you like FPS games, and you like freedom of movement in all three dimensions,

you will drool like a senior over this mean motherfucker.

Bf1942cover Battlefield 1942 FPS 2002 Team-based FPS with a WW2 theme and the possibility of games with 64 humans or bots at the same time.
Battlefield2Cover Battlefield 2 FPS 2005

Class-based territory control with a modern theme, where upwards of 64 players at a time vie for control of capture points in deserts, jungles, and industrial areas around the world in a fictional global conflict set slightly ahead in the future. Combating factions are the USMC, PLA, EU, and MEC, each with different weapons, restricting the player from having a universal favorite, unless he unlocks one, using the games rank system, which doles out rewards based on universal player points, gained by kills, point captures, and rounds won. This title brings some fun new options to the battlefield line of games, such as UAV, which spots enemies on the player's map, but BF2 also improves upon the use of vehicles with this title, allowing the player to be highly mobile, keeping the pace fast and fun. One note: grenades can be a frustration with this one....The new 1.50 patch that was just released also includes the two booster packs Armored Fury and Euro Forces and addresses a lot of gameplay issues, making this one of the better values on the PC since you can buy it pretty cheap.

Note: The game is full of cheaters Note: Not really, the game just has really small hitboxes

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Battlefield Bad Company 2 FPS 2010 Also known as «Funfield: Pretty Awesome 2». Brace for broken server browser and tons of useless snipers.
Battlezone Coverart Battlezone FPS/RTS 1998 The game has two campaigns, the American NSDF campaign (Stars and Stripes Missions) and the Russian CCA campaign (Red Brigade Missions). The game takes place in an alternate version of the 1960s in which the United States and the Soviet Union use alien technology to wage a secret war across the solar system, fighting for control of the rare resource bio-metal.
Betrayal at Krondor6 Betrayal at Krondor RPG 1993 Based in Raymond E. Feist's Midkemia, Betrayal at Krondor is often a forgotten gem of Western RPG history. Fire up Dosbox and enjoy one of the best RPGs during the Golden Age of Games on the PC.
Bionic-Commando-logo-1533 Bionic Commando Rearmed Platformer 2008 A remake of the 1988 classic for Nintendo Entertainment System. Features HD graphics.
Bioshock 1225751387 Bioshock FPS 2007 System Shock-style gameplay (survival FPS with light RPG elements), set in a failed undersea city. Very atmospheric.
File:Black & White Coverart Black & White RTS 2001 Play as God as you bring your chosen people through several different worlds. Use miracles and raise your giant pet.
Blood small Blood FPS/Action 1997 Old school Build-engine horror FPS, lots of gore and black humour. Multiplayer (deathmatch and co-op) were tremendous fun but hard to get working nowadays. Also tons of snappy one-liners similar to Duke Nukem.
41VJFJAB8GL. SL500 AA203 Blackthorne Platformer 1994 Interesting platform shooter, somewhat like the old Prince of Persia games, but with shotguns and ugly orcs.
Bloodrayne small BloodRayne Action 2003 Play as an unrealistically huge-breasted female half-human,half-vampire, who somehow got lost in the plot of every Wolfenstein game. Boobs, insane amounts of gibbing and some cool gameplay ideas make up for rather unimaginitive level design, muddy graphics at points and frustrating and unclear semi-puzzle elements.
1068246996-00 Call of Duty FPS 2003 WW2 game that started a rampage of sequels that are blown out of proportion.
Carmageddon-cd-box1 Carmageddon Racing 1997 Sensationally violent racing game with upgradeable cars and lots of humour and gore.
Undyingcover Clive Barker's Undying FPS 2001 Horror FPS about some Irish paranormal investigator investigating occult happenings at an estate of a friend. Features lots of Lovecraftian horror and other typical occult supernatural things. You can use guns and magic.
Commander-keen-5-ss1 Commander Keen Platformer 1990 Classic platformer that involves shooting aliens and shit.  Developed by the head guys who made Doom.
Company of Heroes Company of Heroes RTS 2006 3D World War II European-Theater themed RTS. Single player campaign covers Normandy to the final defeat of Nazi forces in Germany from the American's perspective. Known for its destructible terrain, intelligent infantry squads, and use of tactical elements such as suppression, cover, and territory control.
Cortex command Cortex Command Action 2008 A crazy RTS-like-side-scrolling 2-dimensional game in which your objective is to defend your brain by controlling an army of hivemind robots. You manually control a single robot at a time but can freely switch bodies at any moment. Features a campaign (unfinished) and split screen co-op with up to four players, in which you must defend your brain for as long as possible. Also boasts a massive amount of mods which add new weapons and levels.
Images Counterstrike FPS 1999 (Mod), 2000 (Retail), 2004 (Source engine version) Competitive Multiplayer FPS with huge numbers of players, servers and mods of all kinds. May cause rage due to most of the servers being rife with faggots.
Cube screenshot 1914089 Cube FPS 2005 An open source game engine for FPS games. The game Sauerbraten is close to DOOM while ASSAULT CUBE is closer to Counterstrike.
Dark messiah Dark Messiah of Might and Magic FPS/Action 2006

The player controls Sareth, the apprentice of the wizard Phenrig, after he is sent to the city of Stonehelm to accompany an expedition trying to retrieve a powerful artifact known as "The Skull of Shadows.'

Have fun kicking orcs into spikes / chasms / fires / etc.

Dawn of war box art large Dawn of War RTS 2004 Polished Warhammer 40K-themed RTS with a bunch of expansions allowing players to play as any of the Warhammer races, except the Tyranids.
Dottboxart 2 Day of the Tentacle Adventure 1993

Adventure game with lots of quality art, puzzles, humor and story.

One of the greatest Adventures you can play.

DeadSpace PC boxart Dead Space TPS 2008 A well-made third person shooter set in space (of all places) fighting space zombies (of all things). Notable for its dismemberment mechanic, where to kill an enemy, you have to cut their limbs off. Also, it has no HUD, instead displaying all relevant information inside the game. Uses some good scare tactics, but misses out on some opportunities it had. Also on 360 and PS3.
Defcon DEFCON: Everybody Dies RTS 2006

An very well-done independent RTS based around just what its name suggests: Nuclear War. The player strategically places (can't stress how important planning is here) units like radar stations, and fleets of ships to gain the upper hand and destroy his opponent(s) countries. Deeply atmospheric, even with only the simplest of graphics.

Deus ex front Deus Ex FPS/RPG 2000 FPS/RPG with a brilliant story based on various conspiracy theories, level design that favors multiple routes/character types/strategies, ranging from pacifism (sort of) through stealth to blowing everything up. Great by itself but mods are available to make it even better. Won lots of awards because it's awesome. 

Seriously, if you haven't beat this game then FUCKING REINSTALL.

417px-Diablo2coverscan Diablo 2 RPG 2000

Sort of like a roguelike with a very easy to use interface, Diablo and Diablo 2 are rpg dungeon bashers that use random generation of maps and items to provide a lot of variety to players.

Specially Fun playing with friends.

And if you've worn yourself out on vanilla Diablo, there are some very professionally done mods out there, like Eastern Sun (available here).

Doom DOOM FPS 1993

While DOOM was not the first FPS, it single handedly kick-started not only one of the most popular genres of gaming, but also multiplayer gaming. Blasting demons has never been more fun.

For a better experience Try one of the Source ports: Zdoom, or if you want multiplayer action try Skulltag

Doom II small DOOM II FPS 1994 Super-shotgun. Not a lot of improvement over Doom, but it has some new enemies and the super-shotgun, it should be enough. Its as fun.
Dragon-Age-Origins-pc-cover Dragon Age: Origins RPG 2009 Mass Effect with swords and no Wrex.  To be honest though, it's more like Neverwinter Nights or KotOR.  Select your enemy, activate your skills, and so forth.  Has a story, characters, and some of the shiniest textures this side of...something shiny.  Morrigan will hate everything you do, unless you're actually capable of pragmatism.
Duke Nukem 3D Coverart thumb2 Duke Nukem 3D FPS 1996 Always bet on Duke.
DuneII Dune 2 RTS 1992 Old school RTS, one of the first (if not the first). Dated interface but fun for its age. Will run on fucking old machines.
Dungeon-keeper.366475 Dungeon Keeper RTS 1997 Dungeon Keeper is a strategy video game released for the PC in which the player attempts to build and manage a dungeon or lair while protecting it from (computer-controlled) 'hero' characters intent on stealing the user's accumulated treasures and killing various monsters.
Dungeonkeeper2 boxshot Dungeon Keeper 2 RTS 1999 Another old RTS, this one with a focus on playing evil. Has a wicked sense of humour, like tortuting masochist girls to increase their happiness level. Recommended for lan play as its fun but not alot of people play it anymore.

Warning: Won't work on Windows 7

Dorfs Dwarf Fortress Sim 2006 (initial)
2008 (current)
Comes with 2 game modes, adventurer: Roguelike with no purpose(yet) and building: set off with a bunch of dwarves and make your fort in the wilderness. Addicting gameplay, very in depth damage system(even keeps track of how much damage each FINGER receives), and a game so confusing to newcomers it is recommended to read its wiki thoroughly before playing. It's definitely the most complex game you've ever played, and probably the most complex game you will ever play. It's worth the endeavor though.
Morrowindbox Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind RPG 2002 A sprawling RPG featuring a surreal and imaginative setting. This is open world gameplay at its best. Despite the gameworld's huge size, it is painstakingly detailed. The game allows for many different playstyles. Be warned however, that the combat is rather clunky and dicebased. Regardless, if you let it, Morrowind will immerse you like no other game out there. This game also has a very devoted modding community. Be sure to check out planetelderscrolls.com for mods that strike your interest. A vanilla playthrough is recommended for new players.
Oblivion Cover Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion RPG 2006 As compared to the fantastical setting of Morrowind, Oblivion is set in a rather plain western Europe-esque land (supposed to be a jungle, according to lore). Still, the game is a solid sandbox-style RPG, and plays much more action-oriented than its pen-and-paper-based predecessor. As always with Bethesda's Elder Scrolls games, there are mods out the wazoo for those that want them--mods to fix the leveling system, to increase variety in monsters and in the game world, to improve the graphics, and to add quests. The various add-ons to the game are nothing big, but the expansion pack, The Shivering Isles, shows the same level of creative genius that went into Morrowind. /v/'s Recommended Oblivion Mod List
Elona Elona Roguelike 2007 Wacky eastern roguelike/fantasy life sim that pretends its from the west. Easier than probably every other roguelike, but offers a shit ton more stuff to do other than dungeon crawl. Also, Shena's ass is the best.
256px-Empire Earth II box Empire Earth 2 Real Time Strategy 2005 Great RTS. Neat campaign and still a small bunch of people playing it online. Nice soundtrack. On par with Rise of Nations.
Empire Cover US small Empire: Total War RTS/TBS 2009 Empire Total War is a mixture of Real Time Strategy and Turn Based Strategy. In campaign mode, you play as one of 13 or so major nations starting at the year 1700. From there you manage economy, build improvements, be diplomatic, and attack people. When you attack, it switches to a RTS, with the troops you have at your disposal. Unfortunately, it's plagued with a shit load of bugs, even after The Creative Assembly released THREE goddamn patches. Interesting game, but don't start here, go for Medieval, or Rome first.
Evnova box Escape Velocity Nova Combat/Sim 2002 Third in the Escape Velocity series and first to be released for Windows, EV Nova is a Space Trading and Combat game with addictive mechanics, tons of ships and upgrades, and a huge galaxy to explore, trade with, or conquer. The game features six different major storylines and several sub-stories, several factions and quite a lot of fun. Plug-in support also allows you to play the first two games in the series - Escape Velocity and Escape Velocity Overide - using the engine.
Evil Genius Coverart Evil Genius Sim 2004 Similar to Dungeon Keeper. Fun and quirky management game with a cartoonish style similar to Team Fortress 2. You must go about your plans for world domination while averting attention from the rest of the world. Carve a secret lair out of a mountain on a deserted island (giant skull shape and volcano not included). Notable for its humour and references to the spy drama genre, most specifically the James Bond movies.
FEAR DVD box art F.E.A.R. FPS 2005 Scary FPS by the company that made Blood. Good atmosphere and strong AI make the game quite tense and exciting.
Fallout-box-art-500x500 Fallout RPG 1997

The first Fallout game. Developed and released by Interplay in 1997.

Features the best story in the fallout games. Lots of choices with character development and you'll have very different playthroughs depending on your characters stats and choices. Thematically tight game.

Fallout2 Fallout 2 RPG 1998 Developed by Black Isle Studios and released by Interplay in 1998. Both this and Fallout are isometric RPGs with tons of choices regarding character development and general gameplay. Its bigger and adds a load of stuff over fallout, but most of it's included for no reason and the experience comes across as a bit stupid compared to the first game.
Fallout 3 cover art Fallout 3 FPS/RPG 2008 Fallout taken in a completely different direction (you'll love it or loathe it). The slower turn-based battles are switched for a first person real-time action RPG. The bleak Capital Wasteland will either make you weep for the fragility of our culture or feel proud of the tenacity of human existance. A sandbox-style RPG, the quests will keep going for hours and hours. As with other Bethesda games, there are a ridiculous number of user-made mods to pick up, as well as some decent DLC. Protip: without the Broken Steel DLC, the ending will hit you like a brick wall and make little sense.
Farcry Far Cry FPS 2004 Tropical Island based FPS. Good looking with a cliché story and interesting AI. Challenging with some interesting gameplay concepts. Made in Germany; you know the Germans always make good stuff.
Fl box Freelancer Sim 2003 Open-world fighter simulation. In space. Plenty of replay value and a relatively smart plot to go along with it. Several mods for it, as well as several excellent servers, some of which are hosted by /v/
Freespace1box Descent: FreeSpace – The Great War Combat/Sim 1998 The story places the player in the role of a human pilot in the Galactic Terran Alliance, as it engages in war with the alien Parliamentary Vasudan Empire. This war is interrupted by the appearance of the enigmatic and militant Shivans, who begin slaughtering Terrans and Vasudans alike. Putting aside their differences, the Terrans and Vasudans form an alliance, and the player is assigned to missions to stop the Shivans' genocidal advance. The player pilots a starfighter, and alongside competent AI wingmen, completes these missions to determine the fate of two races. Important battles in the story feature capital ships, which dwarf the fighters piloted by the player, and explode spectacularly on destruction.
Freespace 2 Freespace 2 Action/Sim 1999 Excellent 3d space shooter boasting epic battles with enormous capital ships, a decent plot and great dogfighting gamelay.Quite possibly at the top of its genre. Also note that you can download a port of the first game's campaign, thus playing it on the fuckwin newer engine.
Full Throttle Full Throttle Adventure 1995 You're Ben--beaten, framed for murder and left for dead on the roadside. You've got a lump on your back and a feeling in your gut that the road you're on is about to get a lot rougher. Full Throttle features an amazingly simple interface and fast-paced action. Brilliant graphics and animation provide a strong cartoon feel, while the voice acting is powerful and cinematic. Players find themselves racing to the finish to help Ben find the bad guys.
Fury3 box art Fury³ Flight/Comb at 1995 Players assume the role of a pilot named Councilor flying a fighter craft to eight planets (many based on real places, like Mars and New York) controlled by a militant robotic force called the Bions. Players fight three missions on each planet. Each of the missions involves destroying vital military targets in order to halt the Bions' progress on the planet. Players must then destroy either one or two Guardians who are the commanders of the particular Bion invasion force. Once players are done with one planet, they then move on to the next one.
Gmodbox Garry's Mod Sim 2006 Sandbox physics simulator for the source engine. Freeform gameplay revolving around creating scenes and contraptions using the characters and props from Half-Life 2 and other source games. Ridiculous number of mods and extensions available. Free and paid versions available through steam.
Geometry Wars Retro Evolved Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved Shoot 'Em Up 2007 Fun and flashy arcade-style shooter with graphics that might just give epileptics something to wave their arms about.
Giants Citizen Kabuto Box Cover Giants: Citizen Kabuto Action 2000 3rd-person shooter vidya game with real-time strategy elements.Good blend of the genres, lots of humour one damn fine game!
Gods Gods Platformer 1991 Great platformer with unique atmosphere of pseudo-Greece. Avarage rating 93%.
Goldenaxe Golden Axe Platformer/Action 1990 Old ass side-scrolling fighting game with a fantasy theme and co-operative gameplay. Consider all of its sequels too. Solid arcade coinop. Timeless.
Gothic cover Gothic RPG 2001 War has decimated the land, Orc Hordes are invading human territory and the king of the land needs a lot of ore to forge enough weapons for his army to stand against this threat. Prisoners from all over the empire are imprisoned in a large magical sphere where they have to work in the mines for the king. You are thrown into the sphere to give a letter to the high mages, this letter may be the turning point on the war against the Orcs.
Gothic 2 Gothic 2 RPG 2002 Rock-solid RPG. After the first game, you awaken in the tower of an old friend of yours as you discover that the cave in which you fought the final boss of the first game collapsed killing you. You awaken without powers, and now you must reobtain them while a new evil rises... eccetera.
Grand theft auto vice city PC Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Action 2003 If GTA 3 got a lot of fans into the series, Grand Theft Auto Vice City became one of the best-selling games of all times. You're Tommy Vercetti, an opportunist who saw his money fly away, and now you're angry and want to take it back. The music of the radio is the best part of the game.
Grim fandango Grim Fandango Adventure 1998 Set in a day of the dead themed afterlife, Grim Fandango involves a Film-Noir style plot revolving around a salesman and a conspiracy in the Department of Death, an organization that helps guide souls from death to their eternal rest. Well known for its excellent in story, art style, music, characters, and dialog, this 3D adventure game is considered one of the finest in the genre.
Ground Control Ground Control RTS 2000 RTS based only in combat and tactics, forget about building a base and gathering resources, the only thing that counts here is your ability to command your units. Now free to download.
Half-Life Cover Art Half-Life FPS 1998 Excellent Sci-fi shooter that's aged decently. Interesting story and combat featuring a variety of military, scientific, and box opening weapons. Varied maps make for a must-play multiplayer experience. A metric fuckton of mods exist for this; HL1 is where it's at.
Heart of darkness Heart Of Darkness Platformer 1998 A brilliant platformer from the maker of Another World. You play as a boy who enters a land where darkness rules over all to save his captured dog, Whiskey. Even if it is a bit hard and sometimes unforgiving, it's a classic to have if you love late 90s platformers.
Hearts of Iron 2 cover Hearts of Iron 2 RTS 2005 Big ass real time strategy game made by Paradox Interactive. Takes place during WW2 and allows you to pick any fucking country that existed during that time(except shitty ones like Liechtenstein). Build huge panzer armies and fuck shit up, deal with dissent in your nation if you screw up, research bigger and badder tanks and planes, and generally have fun conquering the world.  Get Carpal Tunnel because HOLY SHIT DEPLOYING TROOPS IS A PAIN IN THE ASS.
HoMM Heroes of Might and Magic 1-3 & 5 TBS 1 (1995)
2 (1996)
3 (1999)

& 5 (2006)

Great games where you control an army of creature in turn based combat again another team (AI or and other person), on a hexagonal battlefield (games are all in 2D goodness, up until 5).Each new title bringing something new to the table, 5 finally making the transition from 2D to 3D successfully. Heroes 3 has a gold edition with all the expansions and the original game all on one disk, as does 5, so it's recommended you grab these. 4 is considered absolutely SHIT by most people, so don't touch it.
HitmanBloodMoney Hitman: Blood Money Stealth/TPS 2006

As a hitman, you sneak into... everywhere in the entire world, steal the clothes of various people on-site to blend in, hide your equipment in various discrete places, plan your shit out so you can make a perfectly-executed move when the time is just right.

Its a masterpiece. Play this shit, for real.

Homeworld Homeworld RTS 1999 Probably the first strategy game of its kind (released 1999), Homeworld places you in control of a space armada in three-dimensional space, which makes for more strategic opportunities (like attacking your enemy's Mothership from two separate points on the z-axis). Gather resources from nearby asteroids, dust clouds, and nebulae, develop awesome technologies ranging from fast-tracking turrets to gravity well generators, and build space craft ranging from the fast but weak Scout, to the lumbering Heavy Cruiser. The game's single-player campaign places you in the control of a race of Exiles from the desert world of Kharak as they journey through the galaxy to find their once and future Homeworld, Hiigara, and reveal the past they have long forgotten.
Homeworld 2 Homeworld 2 RTS 2003 (See Homeworld.) Over a century ago, the Exiles returned to their Homeworld, Hiigara. Follow them once more in their quest to stop the savage and determined Vaygr from conquering the galaxy. Retaining the atmosphere of the first game, Homeworld 2 adds new gameplay elements, such as fighter and corvette squadrons, upgrades, and capital ship hardpoints, modules, and subsystems, adding more variety to gameplay(like disabling a Battlecruiser's engines, for instance). The game also has a good modding community.
Heavy-gear-2.374586 Heavy Gear 2 Sim/Combat 1999 Set in a alternative world where two opposing factions fight for control using mechs, they now have to unite to fight a common enemy (eh). Awesome customization, good quantity of mechs and weapons for you to use, and pretty fun side missions. Mandatory for any /m/an.
Hexenbox Hexen: Beyond Heretic FPS 1995 A new series feature introduced in Hexen is the choice of character class. Players may choose to play as a fighter, cleric, or mage. Each character has unique weapons and physical characteristics, lending an additional degree of variety and replayability to the gameplay. The fighter relies mainly on melee attacks and is tougher and faster than the other characters. The cleric uses specialized weapons, some of which have limited range or healing effects. The mage uses long-range weapons, whose reach is counterbalanced by dealing relatively little damage and the fact that the mage is the most fragile of the classes.
Icewind dale 1 box shot Icewind Dale RPG 2000

(See Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn and PlaneScape: Torment) You have the ability to custom create your entire party. While this makes for a fun combat group, it takes away the unique character personalities that are present in other Black Isle games.

The Icewind Dale series are purely combat oriented, forget about a memorable story or great dialogs, what counts here is to clean the dungeons of hundreds of beasts.

Jagged Alliance 2 Unfinished Business Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business TBS/RPG 2000 A turn-based, squad-level strategy game with a roleplaying aspect Excellent mechanics. High initial learning curve, but very solid gameplay once you're familiar with it. Good storyline.Its prequel, Jagged Alliance 2 has also an active community (Jagged Alliance 2 v1.13) that refurbishes the game with a fuckton of weapons and improvements. Great for satiating you inner /k/. Its the best on his genre. A unique jewel.
Jazz-jackrabbit-2 box Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Run-and-Gun Platformer 1998 The sequel to the classic DOS game. One of the highlights of PC platforming. Still maintains an active community today thanks to its adrenaline-packed multiplayer and flexible level editor.
Jurassic park operation genesis Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Tycoon/Sim 2003 The best Jurassic Park game out there. You're in control of John Hammond's organization and you have to build a theme park - with dinosaurs. Loads of attractions and tons of details which make up for an awesome and fun experience.

PROTIP: Always check the weather forecast. If there's a tornado coming the next month, activate emergency mode immediately and hope that the tourists run out fast enough. Yes, they're that slow and if a tornado catches them it'll wreck your entire economy.

Killing-floor-20090320110707120 640w Killing Floor FPS/Survival Horror/loadsamoney 2009 Co-op zombie killing. Originally a free Unreal Tournament 2004 mod, until someone put a price tag on it. A bit deeper and more challenging than Left 4 Dead. It has more zombie types, and only a few of them are the runner kind. It does have hilarious British accents too, and the game would be worth buying just for that.
Star-wars-kotor-cover Knights Of The Old Republic RPG 2003 Based on the engine for Neverwinter Nights (and, conseqently, a modified version of D&D rules), this game is a Star Wars RPG. As with Neverwinter Nights, gamers who prefer action may find the dice-roll based battle system slow and boring, but despite that, it's a Star Wars experience with a story.
KOTOR II Knights Of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords RPG 2005 Same as KOTOR, but the writing was done by another company and is exceptional. It is however ruined by bugs and lacks a conclusive ending. Unfinished, but worth playing because what they focused their attention on is brilliant.

Be sure to use the restoration patch that restores A LOT of the game's content that never made it into the actual release

Twinsody Twysen's Odyssey (Also known as Little Big Adventure 2) Adventure 1997 Cute mix of Science fiction and fairytale. Play the role of Twinsen, young wizard that goes on a crazy quest that quickly becomes a really, really REALLY awesome adventure. The graphics are good, gameplay is smooth and the music is very cool. The weapons vary from a blowgun to a laser pistol and the story starts like "go buy medicine at the drugstore" and gets like "you are the chosen one who must save the world!"
L4dcover Left 4 Dead FPS 2008 Co-operative multiplayer FPS involving zombie hordes and an AI "Director" that creates situations intelligently based on the players' conditions and actions. Headshots are superb, and the game can feel wonderfully epic when the numbers of attacking zombies reaches its peak. Casual, but due to being easily accessible for all gamers, lots of unobtrusive hand-holding and non-competitive gameplay make it a great entry point for getting friends and family away from the Wii and into 'real' gaming.
Left4dead2cover Left 4 Dead 2 FPS 2009 There were quite a bit of doubts on this being released just one year after the original, but Valve managed to deliver. Notably harder than the predecessor, and quite a lot of small improvements. Makes L4D1 feel like an alpha after you play it. While the campaigns are better, the characters are a tad weaker in personality. Reccomended over the first.
MafiaCover Mafia 3rd Person Shooter/GTA-like 2002

GTA-like game that takes place in the USA in the 30's and tells the story of a beginner in the world of crime and his carrer in the ranks of the Mafia.

The gameplay is buggy as hell, but it's very fun

At first it may seem like a mediocre GTA clone, but the story is fucking awesome, about friendship and betrayal. There are very big chances that you will CRY MANLY TEARS at the ending, like I did

Mass Effect PC-cover Mass Effect RPG/TPS 2007

The Story is about Commander Shepard and his/her fight against the Reapers, the greatest thread that ever occurred in space. The Player can model Shepard after his likings, adjusting things like gender or look. The decisions of the player are also of importance, influencing not only the Story of Mass Effect, but also it's successors, Mass Effect 2 and 3.

Also available on Xbox 360

Mass Effect 2 PC-cover Mass Effect 2 RPG/TPS 2010

Tali is mai Waifu/Garrus is mai Husbando calibrating - Dating Sim in Space. Joking aside, it's a pretty solid shooter. Don't go in expecting a deep RPG system though, it has been slightly dumbed down from the original.

Also available on Xbox 360.

Maniac Mansion artwork Maniac Mansion Adventure 1988 Hilarious and somewhat spooky adventure game with a stellar reputation for all the right reasons. After playing through the game, you'll definitely feel rewarded, it's that good. Also available on the NES.
Marathon Marathon FPS 1994 Marathon takes place in the year 2794 aboard a large, multi-generational colony spacecraft called the UESC (United Earth Space Council) Marathon. The ship was converted from Deimos, one of Mars' two moons. The plot of the story sets the player as a security officer and focuses around an invasion of the ship and (to a much lesser extent) a colony on the near by Tau Ceti by hostile extraterrestrials. The plot is primarily revealed through various computer interfaces called terminals, which relay crew logs, maintenance documents, historical accounts, and stories. It is through these terminals as well that the player receives mission information from Leela, the ship's artificial intelligence, as well as Tycho and Durandal, the science and utilities AI in Marathon respectively. The relationship between and history of these artificial intelligences serves as a significant plot device in the story.
Moo2baa Master of Orion 2 TBS 1996 Old-ass space 4X game with well-balanced and varied gameplay. Lots of tech and economy management, with optional tactical battles. Many different valid strategies to win the game.
Maxpayne Max Payne TPS 2001 This Noir-styled shooter was the inventor of bullet-time. Tense story, cool action scenes. Graphics a little dated but surprisingly still manage to convey atmosphere, even alongside newer games.
MDK2 MDK2 Action/Adventure 2000 Fun 3rd Person Shooter with huge environments and 3 different player characters. Humour and satire all throughout. Fans of Earthworm Jim may appreciate this.
Mechwarrior BOXCOVER Mechwarrior RPG/Action 1989 Pilot 3 mechs (you can switch between them to take it off computer control), kill other Mechs, salvage their parts and proceed. The lack of terrible Japanese influence means this is a very good game. The newest one is shit.
MightAndMagic7Box Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor RPG 1999 First person RPG, party based. The mechanics are a bit outdated and teh graphcis are really ugly, but if you're a fan of the genre it offers a huge world to explore and gigantic dungeons filled with all kind of beasts.
Curse of Monkey Island, The Curse of Monkey Island, The Adventure 1997 Sequel to Monkey Island 2. Less witty, worse story and stupider puzzles but worthwhile mostly because of qualities it inherits as the sequel to a great game. You take on the role of Guybrush Threepwood on his quest to become a pirate. Poison poodles, trespass everywhere, and kick everyone's ass at Insult Swordfighting.
LeChuck's Revenge artwork Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Adventure 1991 Just like Monkey Island 1, but longer, funnier, and all around better. Get a job by tainting soup with a rat, kidnap two large animals for your twisted machinations, practice voodoo against your foes, and cause two huge explosions while stealing everything that's not nailed down. (Fun Fact: Pirates of the Caribbean stole a lot of stuff from this series.)
Mbboxart Mount & Blade Action/RPG/Sim 2008 A very good medieval combat system. One key thing about the combat system is that it compares the speed at which both combatants are moving toward each other into the damage of each hit.
1241624883699 Myst Saga Adventure 1993 (Original), 1997 (Riven), 2001 (Myst 3), 2004 (Myst 4), 2005 (Myst 5), 2003 (Uru: Ages Beyond Myst). Some of the best games in the adventure genre. The first two are must-plays, while the others are simply a good bit above average. If you're into the story, you should go ahead and play the other four games; there are also several Myst novels that greatly expand upon the in-game multiverse (yes, MULTIverse).
Myth II Cover Myth II: Soulblighter RTS 1998 Like previous the installment, Myth II is a real-time tactics where players are given a pre-determined selection of units with their own strengths and weakness, without the option to recruit any further units later in battle, emphasizing the strategy aspect of the gameplay.
Nethack Roguelike 2003 Imagine Dungeons and Dragons in a very difficult, video game form. Death is permanent, the dungeon is always randomly generated, and you aren't going to win for a very long time. This is the game that basically made the roguelike genre. (No, that was Rogue, stupid).
Neverwinter Nights Neverwinter Nights RPG 2003 Do you like third edition Dungeons and Dragons? Well, this game is basically that, but in computer form. Play as whoever you want, read nice big blocks of text, and enjoy slow, somewhat lengthy turn-based battles. Plenty of mods out there for those who want them and tons of persistent worlds (mini-MMORPG's, ranging from action PvP to deep DM-heavy roleplaying) still online.
No One Lives Forever No One Lives Forever FPS/Stealth 2000 60s Superspy themed FPS. Play as a Cate Archer, a petty thief turned secret agent, and fight an evil organization attempting to take over the world. Game is known for its humor, very wide array of gadgets, and setting.
Nox Nox Action RPG 2000 Very good Diablo clone, character class making a large difference to the game experience. Multiplayer is spiced up with customisable magic traps and co-op scenario levels. Quirky art and story that will stick with you.
Omikron - The Nomad Soul Coverart Omikron Adventure 1999 Go around a futuristic city possessing people. < pretty much thatDavid Bowie makes an appearence in the game, as does his wife (you can possess both lol)
Inspace Operation: Inner Space 1994 The Inner Demon and its viruses have invaded the player's computer and infected its icons. Then the Inner Demon set up a lair in a black hole which changes position. Guarding this lair are 4 dragons each holding one of the Inner Demon's powers. Using a little spaceship, the player goes into the computer's "Inner Space" to collect the uninfected icons and stop the Inner Demon, while simultaneously improving his ship and maintaining relationships with the population of Inner Space.
98 Painkiller FPS 2004 Classic FPS set in fantastical supernatural occult settings varying from citadels and churches to graveyards to gigantic castles and beautiful palaces to dark caves, cold cities, and theatrical auditoriums. A HUGE variety of enemies from the typical occult skeletons to your HP lovecraft monsters and a vast array of unique weapons to fight them. All you really need to know is that there's a gun that shoots shurikens and lightning.
Pajama sam Pajama Sam Adventure/Puzzle 1996+ Quirky adventure series. Bit for children, but fun in any case.
Pathologic Pathologic Survival Horror/Adventure 2005 You play as one of three doctors, each with their own morals and practices, and each trying to find the cure for a virus infecting a small town. Unlike most games, there is a heavy emphasis on survival, and the choices you make can have long-reaching effects. Each time you play the game things might happen completely differently based on what you do.
Penumbra overture Penumbra: Overture Survival Horror/FPS/Adventure 2007 A FPS set in 2000 where a scientist is led to Greenland in search of his dead father. He falls into a mineshaft where he is only equipped with a flashlight(which runs on batteries) and a glowstick. The game blends a very unique physics element where you must click and drag items to pull them open/closed. Enemies include wolves, giant spiders, giant worms, and humanoid like creatures. Only weapons are a pipe and hammer. Has tons of puzzles.
Penumbra2-win-cover Penumbra: Black Plague Survival Horror/Adventure 2008 Continuing the story, you can expect more of the same mindfucking and puzzles, except now there's no combat, fuckers. Best be learning how to run.
Perimeter Perimeter RTS 2004 Perimeter's tagline, "Real Time Strategy Reinvented", speaks volumes about this game's innovative gameplay. It features gameplay mechanics which had never before been implemented, unique unit and base building methods and a deep sci-fi plot [if you can follow it, which may at times be difficult]. Challenging until you have mastered the gameplay, full of replay value, and graphics which look shiny and cool despite its age.
Pharaoh Pharaoh City building 1999 Ancient egyptian city building game.
Planescape Planescape Torment RPG 1999 This is a very dark, story driven game. D&D rules are present, with a world where good verse evil is replaced with Law verse Chaos. (See Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn and Icewind Dale) The writing in this game is absolute gold.
Plantsvszombies Plants Vs. Zombies Defense/Strategy 2009 A mob of fun-loving zombies is about to invade your home, and your only defense is an arsenal of 49 zombie-zapping plants. Use peashooters, wall-nuts, cherry bombs and more to mulchify 26 types of zombies before they can reach your front door. Each zombie has its own special skills, so you’ll need to think fast and plant faster to combat them all.
Postal2 Postal 2 FPS 2003 Ever wanted to kill a blockish sprite of Gary Coleman? With a can of gasoline? Want to piss on him to put out the flames? Well, look no further than Postal 2!You can do all this and more in the wonderful city of Paradise, Where the character, Postal Dude, (lol creativity) spends the majority of his time murdering the shit out of various people in surprisingly limited ways, ("oh wow i set him on fire. oh wow i shot him in the face." x 1000000), and not much else. Despite all the murderin' you could do, it's possible to go through this game as a complete pacifist. Lots of low-brow humor and a contrived, XD-RANDUM story. About 10 NPC models, repeated over and over again to fill the map.Good for you Columbine types.
Psychonauts box Psychonauts Platformer 2005 Play as an carnival escapee who runs away to a summer camp for psychics.Original storytelling and well written humor compliments this game. Hailed as one of the best platformers of the PS2/XBOX generation, now "out of print" but available for download on steam and other places on the net. Whilst the game can be incredibly frustrating due to bugs and/or camera, the sheer brilliance of the music, visuals, level design, retarded amounts of originality and a feeling of childlike joy eclipe any problems it has.
Prehistorik Old plataformer starring a fat old Prehistoric guy who eats everything. Even insects, remote controls and fridges. Fun and with an end-game boss so hard it's stupid.
Quake Quake 1,2,3, Live FPS 1996 - 2005 The original arena FPS. Kinda. It's fun, go play.
Ragnarok Ragnarök Online MMORPG 2002 - present day

An MMORPG with many different classes to choose from, charming graphics, and great music. Unfortunately, all there is to do in this game until you reach max level is grind nonstop (even quests are just grinding Feel free to choose server that suits you best since there are no popular good low-rate servers at this moment. There's always the offical server but playing there requires more grinding and has monthly fees.TL;DR: Diablo combined with Seiken Densetsu. Awesome if you like to grind.

Red orchestra Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 FPS 2006 Super realistic first-person shooter set during World War 2 (I know, I know) on the Eastern Front. Realistic gameplay means if you get shot once, it's game over. Emphasizes teamwork, and one really good player doesn't ensure victory for his team. Don't play the game like it's god damned Call of Duty and you will appreciate what it has to offer.
Returnfire pc cover Return Fire Combat 1995, 1996 Return Fire has four selectable vehicles, each one more suitable for one kind of mission. Each one can carry a limited amount of fuel and ammo (which can be refilled at ammo tents and fuel depots) and can take different amounts of damage.
ROTT Packshot Rise of the Triad FPS 1995 Old-ass FPS with a ridiculous variety of weapons, enemies and levels. Entertaining for its age.
Road Rash (2008) (PC) Road Rash Racing 1991 A great motorcycle racing game. You can hit people with crow bars 'n such.
Rct-box RollerCoaster Tycoon Sim 1999 You own a crappy theme park, it's up to you to add new attractions and build awesome roller coasters, while (usually) managing money, to make the park better. While a sandbox would've been nice, there are a lot of scenarios to triumph over, so this one will last a long time.
Rome Total War Rome: Total War RTS/TBS 2004

A great RTS/TBS where you take control one one of three Roman factions fighting over control of Rome and the surrounding countries. Campaign mode has a world map where you manage your army, cities, and economy, but the real fun is when you encounter enemies. You switch to an zoomed in view of your troops and control them like an RTS.

Also has a thriving mod community, Get Europa Barbarorum and its like playing a whole new game.

Runesofmagic9383913 Runes of Magic MMO/RPG 2009 One of the best free MMOs out atm. The pvp is good and rewarding with a decent raiding system. World of Warcraft clone in which you have to pay 5 bucks for talent reset.
Stalker S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl FPS 2007 A very atmospheric game. Amazing FPS with freedom being the key gameplay element. Explore the forbidden zone scavenging and bartering for weapons and items etc, taking missions, and trying to avoid all the seriously fucked up shit that is going down near Chernobyl. Has some great mods, such as AMK, L.U.R.K and Oblivion Lost, that overhaul the game. Hard as balls.
Sacrifice Sacrifice RTS/Action 2000 Sacrifice provides a truly fresh approach in the 3-D RTS genre, allowing players to act as both commander and combatant over huge, real-time, generated landscapes in single or multiplayer modes. Wizards will not be disappointed as Sacrifice serves up over 50 spells and creatures
Sam max cover Sam and Max: Hit the Road Adventure 1993 Pretty crazy adventure featuring a detective dog and his partner, a cute homicidical rabbit on their mission to find a disappeared yeti. Puzzles are sometimes TOO crazy, but the game's a lot of fun nevertheless.
Sengoku Sengoku Rance / 戦国ランス Strategy/FAP 2006 Quality H-Game (SOMEHOW) where you attempt to raep say hello to all of Japan. Imagine Advanced Wars with medieval units, h-scenes when you capture princesses, and multiple endings with newgame+. Yandere translations has a full English translation.
Serioussam1 Serious Sam: The First Encounter FPS 2001 Action packed FPS probably intended to be played at LAN parties more than anything. Huge numbers of enemies requiring all the basic FPS tactics and weapons to dispatch. A must have for LANs, or a quick blast with an online friend. Also available as Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter. Same game, but with updated graphics and up to 16-player online co-op mode.
Shattered Horizon Shattered Horizon FPS 2009 Made by a studio that primarily makes benchmarking software, this DX10 (sorry XP bros) exclusive is fucking awesome. Float around in zero gravity, shoot dudes in the visor or their tank and make them explode, go into stealth mode and stab some motherfuckers. Oh yeah, there's only one gun (but it doubles triples as an assault rifle, sniper rifle, and grenade launcher) and it's multiplayer only. Features mouse control, text chat, and graphics settings. Has dedicated servers and is going to receive free content updates courtesy of the awesome dev's. Fairly quick learning curve, so don't get discouraged after a map or two.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri TBS 1999 Same folks who made the Civ. games. essentially Civ 2 in space, with a nice little story to it for the hardcore fans. No single player campaign, but the gameplay is so much fun it doesn't really matter. Play as one of a variety of factions (12 humans and 2 aliens, with 5 humans and the aliens coming in the expansion), VERY slow game, especially on multiplayer modes, but still a great game.
919352 50075 front Sid Meier's Civilization (series) TBS 1991 - 2005

Big TBS series, comprising four games and a bunch of expansions. Play as any number of civs with a leader and build armies to conquer other dipshits. Or, play as a nice guy and win with nice cities, or ally everyone and win that way. Pansy.

Highly addictive, just ONE MORE TURN...

SimCity 2000 Coverart Sim City 2000 Sim 1993 Take control of a city as its Mayor, and try to expand whilst keeping the residents happy.
Simcity4 SimCity 4 Sim 2003 Take control of a city as its Mayor, and try to expand whilst keeping the residents happy. The bigger your population, the bigger your dick becomes. However, unlike Simcity 2000, this game has an active modding community. Look for these at:
  • simtropolis.com
  • sc4devotion.com
  • simpeg.com
The Sims Coverart Sims, The (series) Sim 2000 (Original), 2000-2003 (All seven expansions) Holocaust: The Game. If you have ovaries, you will love this game.
Solarempire Sins of a Solar Empire RTS 2008 Epic scale RTS, definitely for the seasoned RTS veteran.
Starcontrol2 Star Control 2 RPG 1992 Unique Space-Tripping-RPG where you play as a guy who has to organise an alliance of alien races to fight off galactic assholes, the ur-quan and kohr-ah. In addition to the marvelous plot and music, the game has a funky arcade-style battle game blended into the main quest that makes the fighting a lot of fun. It was made open source in 2002 and you can download it here.
Starcraft cover Starcraft RTS 1998 Well-balanced RTS with probably the most challenging online/competitive scene of any game ever. This game is the national sport of South Korea. Despite its reputation as a hardcore RTS, Starcraft is relatively accessible for newcomers to the genre.Fun turret defense and other scenario maps popular online. Active community.
Darkforces Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight FPS 1997 Shoot things, punch things, use the force to bitchslap the universe.
JediKnight2JediOutcast Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast Action/Adventure 2002 One of the first SW games with comprehensive lightsaber combat, as well as plenty of fun force powers to play with. Fairly typical SW story, but it's entertaining enough to get you through. Has great multiplayer.
Republic-commando Star Wars: Republic Commando FPS 2005 One of, if not THE, manliest Star Wars game out there. As a member of an elite squad of clone commandos, your orders are to fuck shit up. It is also one of the few games to do squad combat correctly, making it feel like each member has something to contribute to the mission. It has a relatively short campaign, but it is a massive amount of fun.
Survival - The Ultimate Challenge Coverart Survival: The Ultimate Challenge RTS 2001
Startopia Startopia Sim 2001 Business sim set on a space station. Humour is reminiscent of Douglas Adams' work, and for once it actually makes you laugh instead of cringe. Build robots, look after aliens, farm stuff on the biodeck, manufacture stuff, trade goods, build hotels, factories, sick bays, prisons etc etc... Decent, fun space sim.
System-shock-2-box-art System Shock 2 FPS 1999 Survival Horror FPS-RPG Hybrid. Considered very scary and atmospheric. The game allows you to customize your character's stats and skills in various ways, allowing different game styles. For example playing the game like a "normal" fps without focusing on firearm-skills won't get you far, and you will most likely miss some areas/features accesable only to those with technical skills.

  Those who find this too hard/scary/dated should look to Bioshock. If you're a fan of Deus Ex, and scary shit, you may love this game.

Notice that some people have experienced problems getting the game run right on modern platforms, but these can be fixed with various methods and fan-made patches.

Riddick The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay FPS/Action/Adventure/Stealth 2004 Perhaps the best movie-to-game ever created, because Vin Diesel likes video games, so he made his own studio and told them to make a video game based on his movies that didn't suck. Basically, you break a lot of fucking necks. Play this game.
TheGraveyard The Graveyard Adventure 2008 A wonderful game that consists of an old lady walking through a graveyard.More of a nice interactive painting.
Leisure Suit Larry 1 Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards Erotic Adventure 1987
(Original Release)
1997 (Re-release)
Set in the fictional city of Lost Wages, the story follows a middle-aged virgin named Larry Laffer who resolves to sleep with a woman before midnight. Land of the Lounge Lizards establishes several elements which recur in later games, including Larry's out-of-date attire, perpetually bad luck with women, and penchant for double-entendres.
Express-1- The Last Express Adventure 1997 Set on the Orient Express in 1914, the player takes on the role of Robert Cath, an American doctor on the train's final journey from Paris to Constantinople (nowadays Istanbul) before World War I. Cath, already wanted by French police as he is suspected of the murder of an Irish police officer, is contacted urgently by his old friend Tyler Whitney, to join him on the Orient Express, gateway to the East, and a possible exit from all his troubles. Cath boards the train via a motorcycle and looks for Whitney, who is already on board (seen during the introduction). But as soon as he steps onto this luxurious train, Cath becomes involved in a maelstrom of treachery, lies, political conspiracies, personal interests, romance and murder.
198973 front The Longest Journey Adventure 2000

What Funcom was known for BEFORE the atrocity that was Age of Conan. The sequel, called Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, is tarnished by subpar combat mechanics, but both have incredibly amazing stories with snappy, and often hilarious, dialogue to boot(Mostly in the first game).

To argue that these games are as tragic as Mother 3 and MGS3 would not be unreasonable.

The Mystery of the Druids Coverart The Mystery of the Druids Adventure 2001 The cover art is arguably the best there is, but info for the game is limited, because no one has ever played it. (See: Daikatana)

Attempt to uncover the killer(s) involved in a strange string of homicides. There's something about druids sacrificing people and cursing babies in England. Point and click detective-style adventure game.

The Movies PC UK-LR The Movies Simulation 2005 Holy fuck, did we have a lot of good games in 2005. Made by Molyneux, and not bad at all (unless you ate up the hype, you know you should never do that or else you shouldn't browse /v/ at all). You're a movie producer. Hire actors, build studios, shoot films. You can actually script the movies yourself. The game covers 70 years of movies (1930s - Today) and all the cliches of the different movie genres are in place, giving a nice touch of humour. Started the machinima craze.
Orangebox The Orange Box FPS 2007 Comes with 5 games. Team Fortress 2: arguably the most fun of any multiplayer game with cartoonish graphics and game-play filled with constant explosions and pure chaos. Goes great with loud music. /v/ has an active server as well.Portal: a game that just about everyone loves involving unique gameplay and a strange plot where you play a sort of lab rat being run through a series of sadistic test chambers by a PMSing computer overlord. The Half-Life 2 games still offer a splendid single player experience after all these years. And all of that for a pretty good price. Although available on consoles, the PC version is highly preferred as there are frequent free updates whereas the 360 version may be receiving updates as paid content and the PS3 version will never be updated.Also available on Xbox 360 and PS3.
Theoregontrail The Oregon Trail Edutainment 1971, 1974, 1985, 1992, 1996, 2001, 2008, 2009 Just like you remember. Or don't, if you're too young to have played this back in elementary school.
The witcher boxart super The Witcher RPG 2007 One of the best Hack-and-Slash RPGs to come out in recent years. Great combo based battle system, and a very well done story make this game well worth playing. Protip: get the Enhanced Edition as it fixes the loading issues and makes the game much better.

Also, boobs.

Thiefdarkproject Thief: The Dark Project RPG/Stealth 1998 This is the game that made stealth games a viable genre. Play as cynical wisecracker Garrett as he goes around stealing shit from rich assholes and getting involved in big conspiracies. Great stealth mechanics.
Thief-2-tma Thief 2: The Metal Age RPG/Stealth 2000 Garrett continues his work through the city, trying to earn enough money to finally retire. Unfortunately for him, he keeps getting involved against his will in larger-than-life plots involving the corrupt police, crazy religious zealots and hippies. Graphics-wise, it's only marginally better than Thief 1 and the rest is almost the same. Where this game shines is in its level design: all the levels are very well designed, some of them are HUGE. All of them offer interesting challenges. It's arguably one of the best stealth games ever.
DD-THIEF3 Thief 3: Deadly Shadows RPG/Stealth 2004 Not the best of the series, but it's prequels are getting very old. This is the best stealth game I've managed to find.

That level in the abandoned sanitarium or whatever will make you shit a brick house.

Tombraider2 Tomb Raider II Action/Adventure 1997 Awesome gameplay, music and stuff. The Venice level is amazing.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider Anniversary PC DVD ROM EID Coperta Tomb Raider: Anniversary Action/Adventure 2007 Great remake of the first Tomb Raider with new areas added, too.
Splinter cell chaos theory PC Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Stealth/Action 2005 You have no excuses for missing out on this game. Play as Sam Fisher in his third game. Sneak, shoot at lights, interrogate, this game has it all. The graphics look really good even at this day, and the soundtrack is amazing. Plus, high replayability value due to different ways to get past problems. Seriously, if you missed out on this game then get it. (Warning: There's an issue if you install this on Windows 7; The anti-piracy drivers can't install on a non-supported system. You'll have to apply a no-CD crack even if you buy it yourself. No worries though, the CD key still works for online.
Torchlight Torchlight Hack'n'Slash/Roguelike 2009 Neat Diablo clone with pets. Made by a team formed by old Diablo 2 developers. Pretty worth it for the price, features an infinite dungeon after you complete the main quest. Oh, and it has Steam Cloud enabled.
Total Annihilation Coverart Total Annihilation RTS 1997 Very popular/good RTS up there with Starcraft, but released a year earlier. Expect huge, epic battles to huge and epic music.
Sanitarium Coverart Sanitarium Point 'n' Click/Adventure 1998 A point and click adventure game about a man who wakes up in an asylum, and must figure out what around him is real, and what exists only in his mind.
StarsiegeTribesBox Tribes FPS 1998 A overall great FPS featuring jetpacks and massive maps. It's also (now) free. Go download it.
Swtiefightercd Star Wars: TIE Fighter Sim 1994 A fuckwin flight sim where you fly around in your tie fighter fucking up the Rebel Alliance
Unreal Tournament Unreal Tournament FPS 1999 Very fast paced
Unreal Tournament 2004 Unreal Tournament 2004 FPS 2004 Fast-paced arena FPS, based heavily on acrobatics and aim, recommended for its complexity and variety. Gametypes range from vehicle-based Onslaught mode to football-like Bombing Run. Unreal Tournament 2004 is commended for consistent developer support, and a once-massive mapping/modding community that produces quality content to this day. The single-player is boring but the AI is rather intelligent in all maps, especially deathmatch.
Uplink Uplink Strategy/Sim 2002 Computer hacking simulation.
Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines RPG 2004

RPG using the source engine, Fallout developers, and White Wolf's World of Darkness PnP vampire universe. Gameplay similar to Deus Ex in that it rewards problem solving (stealth, combat, negotiation), rather than dungeon grinding. Good story, satirical humour throughout. Quite unique, and worth multiple playthroughs.  Bugs up the ass though. Play as a Malkavian if you want to go batshit insane on everyone and have an exclusive dialogue with a stop sign.

Don't forget to grab the unofficial patch: http://www.terra-arcanum.com/downloads/section/other

  • (don't install the unofficial patch without installing official patch 1.2)
Warcraft - Orcs & Humans Coverart Warcraft: Orcs & Humans RTS 1994 Starcraft is better for rated games. Warcraft has more features and better custom games.
Wolfenstein 3D title screen Wolfenstein 3D FPS 1992 VERY brown, but good fun. Take on Nazis, then Zombies, then other weird occult things (such as a flying monster torso), all within the time frame of WWII.
WormsArmageddonCoverArt Worms Armageddon Combat/TBS 1999 You play as a team of worms with lots of guns, grappling hooks, etc., taking turns to blow the hell out of the enemy team of worms, similarly armed. Lots of fun, especially with someone else to play with.Online community plays a wealth of creative and fun gametypes.
X-com - ufo defense coverart X-Com: UFO defense TBS 1993 Turn-based, squad-level strategy with management aspect too. Tense sci-fi atmosphere.Practically the creator of its genre, and still one of the best offerings of it.
926944 63614 front Ys: The Oath in Felghana Action/RPG 2005 A masterful remake of Ys III, which was already good. Not only has the music been rearranged to levels surpassing the PC Engine version, but some plot details have been added, stages have been redesigned and become a bit more challenging, and some extra modes were also added. In addition to all of that, Adol has gained ALOT more moves from the 2D entry, which you WILL need to take on this bigger, better game.
Zeno Clash Zeno Clash Action/Fighting 2009 Innovative first-person brawler. Surreal and artistic. Sadly rather short, but quite tough. May be too weird for some people, but the more open-minded gamer should find something of interest here.
Silver Coverart Silver Action/RPG 1999 There's a bad guy called Silver who's kidnapped your wife right in front of you, and it's your job to get her back, and what better way than to kill every bad guy in sight using swords and magic? This isn't your average Action RPG. The controls based on mouse movements and button combinations makes it just that much better. As you can tell it isn't the story that is the drawing-point but rather the lovely characters, Fat Bob, and the enjoyable gameplay.
Z The Bitmap Brothers Z RTS 1996 You're a troop of red robots on a campaign to beat all the other colored robots in the universe. On your side you have a screaming robot-sergeant ready with a cigarr in mouth and a cowboy-hat. This isn't Halo, it's hardcore robot RTS-massacre. Everyone's got good voice acting and it's another take on RTS where your unit-building is limited by a timer which decreases with the amount of territories you acquire.
Zoo tycoon Zoo Tycoon Tycoon 2001 You've got your own zoo, and you want to make as much money as possible. Simple, right?
Wrdl Warhammer: Dark Omen RTS 1998 There's an eclipse that has awakened some bad motherfuckin' undead all over the warhammer fantasy universe. You're a mercenary out after some cash so you lead your army throughout the country chopping up the undead, goblins and bandits on your way to unravel the mystery for the emperor. The gameplay is similar to the Total War series but there is more focus on smaller amounts of units with special abilities. Be wary, though, this game is merciless, extremely fun, and hard. If you're a strategy enthusiast, then play this.
321.2 Death Rally Racing 1996 Sure, it's a rally, but it's a DEATH rally. Load up the car's guns, put spikes on your fronts and sabotage your opponents' cars beforehand. Featuring racers such as Duke Nukem and Farmer Ted. It's a race you don't want to miss.
Men of war frontcover large aNEAx0hTw2scgdx Men of War RTS 2009 The ARMA of RTS-games.
Neverhood-cover Neverhood, the Adventure 1996 You play as Klayman wandering through The Neverhood solving puzzles to save the creator of The Neverhood.Also it's the first game to be fully made using stop motion clay animation.
Kingofdragonpasscover King of Dragon Pass Strategy 1999 You've got the responsibility of your own village in Dragon Pass and your goal is to become the king of it. To your disposal you have a council that give you advice and a large quantity of options of how to control your village. It's all done using a text-based interface. Every time time passes it will occur an event which you will have to deal with. This can go from dealing with a duel-dispute to having your male villagers being kidnapped by females, then them being released after being raped, then the females coming back with the children.
W3 Warcraft 3 RTS 2002 (Reign of Chaos), 2003 (The Frozen Throne) If you like RTS, you should fall in love with this game. Play as four different races (Humans, Orcs, Undead and Night Elves) and attempt to destroy each other in a similar gameplay to Starcraft. Apart from the Human one, it has a fuckwin campaign. And the expansion makes the game even better, balancing it and adding four other campaigns. Win online, fun custom games with user made maps.
Master of Olympus - Zeus Coverart Master of Olympus: Zeus Sim 2000 (Original), 2001 (Poseidon) Sierra goodness. Build a city in ancient Greece, protect the inhabitants from diseases, enemy armies and obtain the favour of the gods. Call in heroes to kill mythical creatures that estabilished on your land, and stuff like that. Expansion adds a couple of tweaks.
HoTDcover The House of the Dead onrails Shooter 1997 (PC) One of the games that founded the rail-way shooter genre. Play as Agent Rogan (PC version has a mode where you can choose different characters with different guns too) and his team-mate G as they stop the plans of Dr. Curien, intent at unleashing a zombie apocalypse upon the world. Fun to play.
House of dead 3 pc The House of the Dead 3 On-rails Shooter 2002 Screw the guns, now you've got shotguns. Set years after the first & second game and a zombie apocalypse, Agent G and Lisa Rogan (The daughter of the character from the first game) go and look for Rogan, who has recently dissapeared. Hilarious cutscenes and laughable bad voice acting, especially the ones when Dr. Curien talks to his son. Many, many zombies, nice levels.
Typingofthedead The Typing of the Dead Typing 1999 Actually, screw guns and shotguns. The keyboard is your gun and letters are your bullets. Yes, you heard me. Words come up in front of the zombies and you have to type them out with your keyboard in order to kill enemies.
X3-terran-conflict X3: Terran Conflict BIG Space Sim 2008 One of the best space simulators, you fly ships ( any ships, from small to capitals), you trade, you fight, you build your own stations ( and empire ) you do missions, you pirate, you hire pilots to do things for you ( like sending them on trading runs ). Learning curve like in dwarf fortress, but its worth it.

Graphical Troubleshooting for Vista and Windows 7 users

Chances are, you own either Windows Vista and Windows 7. And you want to play some of the games on this list. Most of these games are old games, and unless you bought them from GOG you might have one trouble that is easy to solve. This issue fucks up some colors in some of these old games, turning them into a fucked up color scheme. It was believed to be a GPU issue, but it's not, apparently. Because there's a very easy method to solve this. We'll be using Starcraft: Brood War as an example.

Windows 7 issue 1

(1) As you can see, autorun is going. No options have been changed. Let's try launching the game...

Now, let's try and launch the game.

Windows 7 issue 2

(2) Oh dear. What's happening?

As you can see, the colors are completely messed up. It's not as severe in the screenshot, but apparently taking a screenshot changes some of the colors in the image, making them even more fucked up. Just think of it as a rainbow which doesn't influence the game much, but is pretty damn uncomfortable to have around. How do we solve this? First thing first, right click on the Starcraft icon on your desktop or in the program list and go to Compability.

Windows 7 issue 3

(3) After exiting the game, go to the game's properties. (Don't worry if it's italian, I'll just explain it now)

Check the boxes that make you: Run the Program as Administrator, compability mode - Windows XP Service Pack 2, Disable visual themes and Disable desktop composition. Click OK. Now, here comes the essential part.

Windows 7 issue 4

(4) Click on Screen Resolution. This is essential.

As shown above, right click on an empty part of your desktop and click on Screen Resolution. Just like that. The menu should come up.

Windows 7 issue 5

(5) Here it is.

Now, without closing OR HIDING the window, click on Start and launch Brood War from your program list. And you're done! Everything should look great. Can't include screenshots, though, because they're still fucked up, even if on your monitor it looks perfectly normal. Now, go play those games you thought you couldn't enjoy on a newer system!