Box Art
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Strategy Visual Novel
Fantastic sci-fi adventure by Vanillaware with dense writing and an excellent story. Gorgeous, hand-drawn 2D visuals and limited exploration are punctuated by semi-real-time strategy combat between mechs and combat in grid-based battlefields. The combat isn't too exciting, but the writing and thirteen-person cast are amazing, to say nothing of the art direction and soundtrack. Performance isn't perfect, but works fine.
AI: The Somnium Files
Puzzle Visual Novel
Sci-fi detective adventure by Spike Chunsoft, with cel-shaded anime art style and very strong writing. Investigate crimes by entering and exploring the dreams of suspects, where you solve puzzles in fully-3D environments. Requires playing through multiple branching paths to get the whole story, but allows you to pick things up at any narrative branching point using a flowchart.
AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative
Puzzle Visual Novel
Sequel to the previous game, starring new dual protagonists. Another sci-fi detective adventure with colorful characters and an intriguing, near-future world. Allows you to play without spoiling the first game for yourself, but it's still recommended that you play them in order. Story and writing are equally fantastic, if not better than the last (with some bold twists).
Aleste Collection
Arcade Shoot-'em-Up
Compiles Aleste (Power Strike), Power Strike II, GG Aleste, GG Aleste II, and the brand-new (!) GG Aleste 3 developed by M2. These are all very old shooters, so don't expect to be blown away by graphics or sound, but the music is great and the gameplay pacing is refreshingly hectic. The new Aleste respects the style and presentation of the original series.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Life Simulation
The most popular entry in Nintendo's life sim series thus far. Design and build your town from a barren island, welcome various animal residents with unique personalities, engage in daily activities for resources and collectibles, and visit other players' islands for fun and trade. Gives you a greater degree of control over the landscape compared to the previous games, pushing it a bit closer to "god game" territory. Very cute.
Another World / Flashback Double Pack
Cinematic Platformer
Collects the massively influential Another World and the less-known Flashback, two "cinematic platformers" with fluid animation, rotoscoped 2D graphics, nearly HUD-less presentation, and realistic physics with sci-fi settings. These games are short, but will kill you quickly and frequently, and are sometimes rather cryptic in terms of how to progress.
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Adventure Puzzle
Includes the original Apollo Justice game as well as the two previously 3DS-exclusive digital-only Phoenix Wright games, Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice. While they don't hold a candle to the original trilogy, they are all solid adventure puzzle games in their own right, and fans of the series should enjoy them.
Arena Combat
Unique 3D arena fighter by Nintendo that plays like a boxing game where everyone has stretchy arms. Includes various modes and a barebones story campaign. Charming world, music, and character designs. Not much of a competitive community whatsoever, but a fun multi-player game for parties. Various updates and new characters were rolled out post-launch.
Astral Chain
Character Action
Switch-exclusive character action title by PlatinumGames. Set in a cyberpunk Neo-Tokyo where you command and combine with extradimensional beasts to access different fighting styles. Linear and chapter-based, with some limited exploration. The story's whatever, but the combat is solid and the setting is atmospheric for what it is. Features a male/female selectable protagonist.
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout
A breakout hit for the Atelier series of lighthearted fantasy JRPGs with in-depth crafting/gathering systems and cozy, low-stakes stories. Turn-based combat and quest-based progression round out the rather slow-paced experience. Surprisingly horny character designs can somewhat clash with this easygoing pace. Requires patience, but is pretty rewarding if you enjoy JRPGs.
Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends and the Secret Fairy
Surprisingly for the series, a direct sequel to the previous game, with plenty of returning characters and similar gameplay systems. Features more of a coming-of-age story and some touching character moments. The in-depth alchemy system returns refined. The timing-based combat starts out dull, but picks up as you gain more characters. An overall improvement.
Action/Hack and Slash
One of the best action games of all time. You play as a dominatrix witch who needs to rediscover her past by killing demonic angels and angelic demons.
Also available on Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Wii U. PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions outperform Switch port, though Switch version is better than 360, Wii U, and PS3 (AVOID THIS VERSION).
Bayonetta 2
Character Action
Flamboyant character action title by PlatinumGames with more of the dodge-based combat and extreme combos that the first game offered. The story is even more nonsensical than Bayonetta 1's (not entirely in a good way), but you're here for the gameplay, which is very solid and includes a plethora of ultra-challenging optional missions. Came packaged with the first game.
Bayonetta 3
Character Action
The third game in the acclaimed action series follows a multiverse timeline where an evil entity is going around to various universes and killing off their respective Bayonettas. You play as one of the last remaining Bayonettas and jump around various other universes trying to save her fellow witch counterparts. The combat gimmick here is that Bayonetta has an assortment of demonic summons she can utilize in battle to extend combos and do major damage. There are also missions where you play as the punk-rock Viola, who has her own unique moveset and summon. Some people did not care for the direction the story took but gameplay-wise the series remains strong with this entry.
Search Action
Indie 2D Metroidvania by the developers of The Last Door, inspired by Symphony of the Night and Dark Souls. Features a Gothic and ultra-violent fantasy world informed by medieval Catholicism. Gorgeous sprite work and demented, baroque monster designs. More than a bit pretentious. Solid DLC expansion.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Search Action
Crowdfunded Metroidvania title directed by Koji Igarashi (of Symphony of the Night fame). A pretty solid entry in the "genre," with tons of collectibles, secrets and unlockables, though visual design is a bit all-over-the-place. Runs better on other systems, but the Switch version is perfectly serviceable.
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
Roguelike Action
Indie top-down shooter structured like a roguelike, with randomly-generated stages and power-ups. Comically creepy story with a deliberately rough art style and childish sense of humor. Received a physical Switch release with all DLC packed in. A classic of the 2010s indie scene, even if a bit juvenile.
Bravely Default II
Traditional turn-based fantasy JRPG by Square-Enix, with a very fun job system that offers plenty of party customization. Decent story, with only vague connections to previous Bravely games. Charming, but unsurprising, visual style, and substantial campaign length. A solid option for genre fans.
Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer feat. The Legend of Zelda
Rhythm Roguelike
Rhythm-based indie roguelike dungeon crawler where you move and attack to the beat of the music. Tough, but less complicated than it sounds. This spin-off features characters and monsters from the Zelda series, but otherwise offers the same gameplay and top-down, sprite-based presentation. Pretty unique.
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Action Puzzle
Port of the WiiU puzzler based on the Captain Toad segments in Super Mario 3D World. Includes new levels based on Mario Odyssey and a co-op mode.
Catherine: Full Body
A port of the 360/PS3 puzzler from the Persona devs. You play as a man who deals with the nightmares derived from cheating on his girlfriend with another woman. These manifest as climbing and shoving large brainbending block puzzles. During the day you hang out with your friends at the comfy bar in town. Full Body features a new love interest and gameplay improvements over the original.
Cave Story+
Search Action
Physical release of the "indie Metroidvania" that kicked off the "indie Metroidvania" craze. Great story with multiple endings, and charming pixel graphics. Tough, but fair, gameplay that combines platforming, shooting, and RPG-style weapon upgrades. Includes additional content from previous console releases. Support the dev, not the publisher!
Dark Souls Remastered
Cryptic environmental storytelling, sophisticated dark-fantasy ambiance, methodical real-time combat with stat-based build options, and a masterfully-crafted, interconnected open world, with unique assymetric online multi-player modes seamlessly integrated into the campaign. A classic. Runs like shit on Switch, though. At least it's portable.
Darkest Dungeon: Ancestral Edition
Dungeon RPG
Turn-based, dungeon-crawling, dark-fantasy RPG with a unique diorama-esque presentation and a nice sense of style. Recruit characters from various classes and hope they survive. Minimal story. Tough as nails, incorporates despair into its very gameplay systems, and constantly forces you to make difficult choices. Includes DLC.
Daemon X Machina
Mech Combat
Spiritual successor to the Armored Core series, now with a stylish, toon-shaded anime look. Customize your mech (and pilot) with parts obtained from downed enemies in discrete combat missions. Sadly, repetitive environments and an overall dearth of content somewhat sour, but don't ruin, the experience. It's also on PC.
Dead Cells
Roguelite Action
Indie 2D side-scroller with a roguelike structure. Fight through procedurally-generated stages while picking up permanently-unlockable weapons and powers that you can choose for your loadout in your next run. Minimal storytelling, and sprite-based presentation. Visually nothing special, but great fun for fans of "roguelites."
Deadly Premonition: Origins
Horror Adventure
Port of the open-world detective adventure that left reviewers scratching their heads. A surreal, low-budget game where you investigate serial murders in an ersatz-American small town strongly inspired by Twin Peaks, interspersed with lackluster, RE4-like shooting sections and bosses. Zany, and oddly fun, but occasionally tedious or frustrating.
Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise
Horror Adventure
Sequel to Swery65's zany detective adventure. Features the same basic open-world gameplay and exploration, now set in New Orleans, with slightly better action segments. You can skateboard everywhere. Runs like shit, but the framerate is at least bearable after the latest update. A future cult classic. Originally a Switch exclusive that has since been given a PC port.
Divinity: Original Sin 2
One of the best CRPGs ever made gets a surprisingly solid Switch release. Turn-based combat with a player-created party in a lovingly-realized Western fantasy world, with plenty of player agency and alternate paths. Fully playable in co-op. Great story, and a fantastic introduction to the genre. A future classic.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Arcade Platformer
Port of the Wii U-exclusive 2D platformer, now with some additional content. A fond tribute to the Donkey Kong Country series, fully playable in co-op (though this arguably makes it harder). Developed by Retro, it doesn't really play like the SNES DKC games, but it is a solid and occasionally balls-hard platformer.
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition
Enhanced version of DQXI, now with extra content and a fully-playable, SNES-style, sprite-based mode on top of the standard 3D presentation. Lengthy campaign, in-depth turn-based combat system, charming characters, and an Akira Toriyama-designed fantasy world. A great entry point into Dragon Quest, and an unforgettable JRPG overall.
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Port of the sleeper-hit, Capcom-developed action-RPG. Features a limited open world in a medieval fantasy setting with a pretty mediocre story that picks up towards the end. It really shines for its combat, which incorporates elements of Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, and even Shadow of the Colossus on top of a super-fun job system and AI-controlled party.
Enter the Gungeon
Roguelite Shooter
Top-down, twin-stick indie shooter with sprite-based presentation and (you guessed it) roguelike-style progression. Blast your way through procedurally-generated stages with one of several characters and tons of creative gun types. Another solid offering for fans of the "roguelite" genre, with quite a bit of unlockable content. Silly and fun.
Final Fantasy VII / VIII Remastered
Physical release of two massively influential JRPGs. FFVII is a port of the PS4 remaster (not the Remake), while FFVIII is a brand-new remaster with HD textures and cleaned-up models. Both are classics of the genre (despite having their detractors), as long as you can put up with PS1-era gameplay conventions, turn-based combat, and lengthy campaigns.
Final Fantasy IX
Physical release of a fan-favorite entry in the JRPG series. Not a remaster, but does feature some mild improvements. A more nostalgic and fanciful entry in the series, reminiscent of the SNES classics, but with the same visual flair and showmanship that Square was known for during the PS1 era. A great option for 16-bit JRPG fans.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
HD remasters of the International releases of FFX and FFX-2 (plus Last Mission for X-2), both of which feature plenty of extra content and super-hard optional bosses. These are remembered as visually sumptuous JRPGs with extremely linear designs and questionable stories/voice acting, but are essential for fans of PS2-era JRPGs.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Switch port of FFXII International Edition, which features various gameplay changes and improvements to the original game, and was (despite its title) never released outside of Japan. FFXII is a more "Westernized" take on the JRPG series, with a real-time party combat system, a beautifully-realized, free-roaming world, and tons of optional content.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Tactics RPG
Continues the series' foray into JRPG territory, striking a balance between turn-based tactical combat and a school life/dating sim portion that sees you playing the role of a (male or female) teacher in a fantasy military school. Play three separate campaigns and recruit dozens of unique characters with class-based progression paths. Recommended for fans of FE Awakening/Fates, not so much for classic-era veterans.
Front Mission 1st
Strategy RPG
A remake of the classic SNES Mech Strategy RPG. As with the PS1/DS version, you can play the campaign from the perspective of either side of the conflict. Moving from sprites to 3D and upscaled character art came with mixed results, but nevertheless the game is a genre classic.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Adventure Puzzle
A pair of spin-off adventure games from the Ace Attorney series, taking place in Meiji-era Japan. Directed by the director of the original trilogy. Originally released only in Japan, they were finally translated for western fans and bundled together for release. Fans of the series who yearned for less reliance on gimmicks and magic will appreciate the game's grounded focus on intuition and clue-gathering to solve cases, while still maintaining the irreverent writing and characters.
Roguelite Action
Isometric hack-and-slash action game with roguelike progression. Escape Hades through procedurally-generated stages, acquiring permanent and temporary power-ups that suit your build. Colorful characters, fun (if Tumblr-y) writing, and a compelling story based on the myth of Persephone. Highly recommended for "roguelite" fans.
Hollow Knight
Search Action
Critically-acclaimed indie Metroidvania that combines platforming and non-linear exploration with RPG-style progression and a Dark Souls-esque penchant for environmental storytelling. Optional content gets very challenging. One of the best entries in its genre, with quite a bit of worthwhile DLC.
Hyper Light Drifter
Top-down 2D indie action-adventure set in a mysterious eco-sci fi world. Plays kind of like classic Zelda, but with much faster-paced combat and a lessened focus on puzzle-solving. Cool synthwave/ambient soundtrack. Not among the best of its genre, but a decent option if you're looking for a more kinetic Zelda-like.
Katamari Damacy Reroll
Puzzle Action
HD remaster of the original Katamari Damacy for PS2. Roll a ball through stages cluttered with all sorts of objects, which you'll roll up to become progressively larger, rolling up bigger objects in turn. An extremely fun game and PS2-era classic, with psychedelic, super-flat visuals, and an unforgettable soundtrack.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Adventure Platformer
The first fully-3D mainline Kirby game ever, adapts the gameplay of the series to slightly more open (but still linear stages) set in a post-apocalyptic world reclaimed by nature. You can absorb and upgrade power-ups at a hub. Fully playable in local co-op. Quite easy as usual, though there's a tough secret boss in there.
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
Remake of the Wii platformer. Play with up to four people as Kirby, Dedede, Meta Knight, and Bandana Waddle Dee. Features many copy powers for Kirby, each with a variety of moves and attacks. Motion controls are minimal and optional, while difficulty is low as usual. Has a surprising amount of extra content (and a weird twist at the end). The remake comes with a new graphical style and a couple of bonus abilities.
Kirby Star Allies
Arcade Platformer
Another offering from the Return to Dream Land team, another 2D Kirby with gorgeous 3D graphics. Quite easy as always, with some mildly challenging post-game missions. Can be played with up to four players (or CPUs), who play as various Kirby enemies or special DLC characters from the series' past.
La-Mulana 1&2: Hidden Treasures Edition
Search Action
Two non-linear indie platformers about exploring ancient ruins, done in the style of super-cryptic MSX2-era games. The first game in particular requires tons of experimentation (or a guide) to clear, while the sequel is ever-so-slightly more straightforward. Both are excellent, but challenging, entries in their "genre."
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Open-World Action-Adventure
Critically-acclaimed open-world entry in the beloved series, allows you to explore a massive world to your heart's content while interacting with roaming creatures, characters, and environmental elements/features which make for an endlessly delightful experience. Eschews the series' traditional dungeons and equipment in favor of dozens of mini-dungeons and a rotating stock of breakable weapons and gear. Essential for Switch owners.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Open-World Action-Adventure
A rare direct sequel for the series, Tears of the Kingdom picks up after Breath of the Wild where Link and Zelda witness the reawakening of a long-contained Ganondorf. It uses the same overworld map from the prequel, but with a lot of major differences and the addition of many floating sky-platforms and an underground world as large as the main overworld. It also brings back dungeons in the more traditional Zelda style. An excellent followup and an essential open world game.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
3D remake of the fan-favorite GameBoy entry, with very cute tilt shift-style graphics. A classic-style 2D Zelda taking place on a deserted island. Very fun, with an interesting story, but beware that it's quite short and there isn't much extra content beyond an underwhelming design-a-dungeon mode.
Live A Live
Originally a Japan-only Super Famicom game, Live A Live was finally released out west with this HD-2D remake. The game follows seven main characters from different time periods with each chapter having different gameplay elements making them all unique. Reminiscent of Chrono Trigger.
Luigi's Mansion 3
Puzzle Adventure
Excellent entry in Luigi's goofy horror-adventure series, now taking place in a haunted hotel. Can be played entirely on local co-op. As per usual, gameplay revolves around solving puzzles and capturing ghosts with your pimped-out vacuum cleaner. A fantastic game that was somewhat slept on for unclear reasons.
Lumines Remastered
Matching Puzzle
Enhanced port of the PSP classic, a tile-matching puzzle game similar to Tetris but with a rhythmic element that pairs well with the excellent synthpop soundtrack. Contains tons of new content and modes, as well as a brand-new feature that lets you link up to eight vibrating controllers which you can place on your body for a feeling of "synaesthesia."
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Fantasy Racing
Enhanced port of the acclaimed Wii U release, with all DLC packed in and a bunch of minor improvements. One of the best entries in an excellent casual racing series, which recently received a pack of brand-new courses. Features a visually impressive anti-gravity gimmick. Essential for parties and groups of friends.
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
Turn-Based Strategy
A bizarre crossover that turned out pretty well, it's an XCOM-like turn-based strategy title developed by Ubisoft where Mario, friends and Rabbids pick up blasters and fight in tactical, isometric stages against invaders of the Mushroom Kingdom. The Donkey Kong DLC campaign is pretty solid, too.
Mario Golf: Super Rush
Fantasy Sports
The Switch's entry in the golf spin-off series, featuring the classic mode as well as an underwhelming adventure mode where you play as a Mii. Most surprisingly fun is a new free-for-all mode where everyone golfs at once, racing to the ball while squashing each other with special moves and power-ups. A solid sports title.
Mario Strikers: Battle League
Fantasy Sports
The Switch's entry in the surprisingly gritty Mario soccer spin-off. Doesn't reach the heights of the Gamecube original, especially with the dearth of content featured at launch, but Nintendo has promised a stream of DLC in the future. Like with all Mario sports games, it's way more fun with friends.
Mario Tennis: Aces
Fantasy Sports
The Switch's entry in the tennis spin-off series, which has almost always been solid and this is no exception. Features an absolute who's-who of playable Mario characters (many released as post-game DLC) and an excellent, competitive multi-player mode bolstered by very decent netcode and a still-active online community. Story mode sucks, though.
Mega Man 11
Action Side-scroller
Classic Mega Man returns with beautiful animations and semi-3D presentation, but the same stage-based 2D gameplay as always. Introduces a new "Double Gear" system which allows you to power up or slow down time, and the whole game is balanced around it. Another solid entry in the classic series, after a rather lengthy hiatus.
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1+2
Action Side-scroller
Compiles all eight Mega Man X games in a single physical release, though MMX5-8 actually have to be downloaded with a code. MMX1-4 are classics of side-scrolling 2D action which introduced X and Zero to the world. If you want the versions with Japanese soundtracks, the Asian physical release comes with English options.
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection
Compiles the GBA Mega Man Zero series (1-4) and the DS ZX series (ZX + Advent) for a total of six rock-hard Inticreates-developed side-scrollers. Includes new (optional) Easy Mode and Save Assist features to smoothen the experience. These games are hard, and will score you harshly, but MMZ3 and ZX Advent in particular are masterpieces.
Metroid Dread
Search Action
The first brand-new 2D Metroid in decades, and a sequel to Metroid Fusion. Recaptures the non-linear, power-up based exploration and platforming gameplay that gave rise to the Metroidvania "genre," along with new stealth sections that require you to evade unbeatable enemies. Developed by Mercury System. Flawed, but excellent game.
Metroid Prime Remastered
FPS / Adventure
A visual upgrade for one of the all-time classics. Samus explores an abandoned, contaminated planet taken as an HQ by the Space Pirates. Features a lovingly-crafted, seamlessly interconnected world. Includes the old control scheme, the Wii port control scheme using the joycons, and new dual-analog controls that make it feel more like a modern FPS.
Survival Simulation
It's Minecraft, with all the PC/console content included in the Bedrock Edition, along with an exclusive, Super Mario-themed stage and skin pack. A game that needs no introduction, through it's still best to play it on PC. This would make a great gift for any vaguely-autistic nephews or younger siblings, though.
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Hack-'n-Slash RPG
Enhanced port of a Japan-only 3DS release. Pick from fifteen weapons and six fighting styles, slay giant fantasy monsters, and carve new gear from their loot. Playable in local or online co-op, with a still-active community. An initially tedious and disorienting, but deep and rewarding game, with hundreds of hours' worth of content. Also a last hurrah for classic-style MonHun.
Monster Hunter Rise
Hack-'n-Slash RPG
World-style Monster Hunter with great graphics (for the system), a much-smoother learning curve, and a colorful ninja-fantasy setting. Slay giant monsters and craft gear from their loot in local or online co-op. Lacking in content for a MonHun game, though the Sunbreak expansion and additional title updates largely fixed that. Highly recommended for newcomers and veterans alike, even if it's a bit easy for the latter.
New Pokémon Snap
Rail-Shooter / Photography
Long-awaited sequel to the N64 classic. As a professor's assistant you ride on rails through various settings taking pictures of Pokémon and utilizing tools to affect and maneuver them into higher-scoring photos. Aside from newer generations represented, the only other major change is day/night cycles and how they change the stages.
NieR:Automata The End of YoRHa Edition
Post-apocalyptic action game written by Yoko Taro and developed by Platinumgames. Celebrated for its deep narrative, branching storylines with 20+ endings, solid fast-paced action, and excellent music. The Switch version is somewhat pared down visually but does still run well. Comes with the bonus DLC originally sold separately.
The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors
Arcade Side-scroller
Enhanced remake of the 2D Natsume beat-'em-up, featuring cyborg ninjas and single-lane, side-scrolling action. This edition improves graphics, rebalances gameplay, and introduces two new, unlockable characters with very unique fighting styles. An essential experience for retro arcade fans.
No More Heroes III
Final entry in the irreverent, boss battle-centric Suda51 action series about an otaku with a beam katana becoming the world's top assassin. Features an open world with various mini-games to indulge in between stages, as well as unique boss mechanics and Suda's typically inane, referential sense of humor, coupled with somewhat janky action gameplay, graphical issues, and a tight budget. An acquired taste for sure.
Octopath Traveler
Retro JRPG with "HD-2D" graphics (a combination of sprites, polygons, and heavy use of bloom). Features eight distinct protagonists with their own stories, which you'll have to play through to find the true final boss. A compelling combat system, gorgeous music, and a solid level of challenge make it a good option for SNES-era JRPG fans.
Octopath Traveler II
Another HD-2D JRPG by Team Asano. Like the first game, it involves eight progtagonists coming together while going through their own individual stories before a finale that unites them all in one. The storytelling is vastly superior compared to the previous game, and characters actually have some overlapping between individual chapters. There are some new additions to the combat and job systems as well that add a little more depth to both.
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD
An action-adventure set in the Oddworld universe starring a bounty hunter. You go on missions and collect bounties by engaging in first- and third-person shooting with various types of living, biological ammo. The gameplay isn't perfect, but the setting and tone are pretty compelling, as with all Oddworld titles.
Ori: The Collection
Search Action
Collection of two 2D Metroidvanias (the Definitive Edition of Ori and the Blind Forest as well as Ori and the Will of the Wisps) with gorgeous, hand-drawn graphics and touching, fabulistic stories. Don't be fooled by the tone and visual style, though, as these games get pretty challenging and intense.
Persona 5 Royal
You got an assault charge for punching out a rapist, forcing you to transfer to the only school that's willing to accept you. On top of that you've gained the power to access the hearts of the corrupt, and decide to steal their darkest desires with the power of your Personas.
Arguably the best entry of the Persona franchise, and widely considered one of the best JRPGs of all time, Persona 5 takes its tried and true formula and adds a fun Lupin the Third style heist element to keep things interesting.
With gorgeous art design, a dark, gripping story, a monstrous length (over a hundred hours for the main story alone!), a bounty of sidequests, and a rock solid battle system, Persona 5 must not be missed.
The Royal edition is a massive expansion to the base game. Including new characters, S.Links, combat mechanic changes and Skills; as well as an additional semester of game-play, story, expanded palaces and a whole host of quality of life improvements/additions too numerous to list. The Switch only got the Royal edition.
Pikmin 1+2
Strategy Adventure
Ports of the first two games in the classic series where you must guide Pikmin to gather resources in order to survive a hostile alien planet. In Pikmin 1, you play as Captain Olimar, who crash-landed on a planet that's implied to be Earth. Various parts of his ship have scattered across certain areas in a small part of the world (since Olimar's quite small himself). With the aid of plant-like creatures named 'Pikmin' you must retrieve the parts of your ship before the thirty-day limit is up.
In Pikmin 2, you get a partner named Louie to accompany Olimar. You travel back to Earth to pay back a steep debt for your boss by collecting what seems to be various pieces of junk and trash. Once again, you need the help of the Pikmin to accomplish this, and this time, there are two more varieties than in the first game. Unlike the 1st game, there is no limited day system and the levels are much bigger. The focus has shifted from exploring the overworld and archieving as much as possible as fast as possible to dungeon crawling and treasure collecting.
Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Strategy Adventure
Fantastic-looking port of the Wii U third entry in the series where you commandeer a crowd of little alien guys to perform tasks, gather resources, and survive for one more day on a vibrant, hostile planet. Play as one of three captains and keep your campaign going for as long as you can find food. This version adds a new prologue/epilogue, full story mode co-op play, and a few more extras. A great game.
Pikmin 4
Strategy Adventure
Another fantastic entry for the planetary exploration series. You once again are tasked with exploring a planet and gathering resources in order to rescue your team as well as the missing Olimar. Two new Pikmin types were added as well as the excellent dog-like creature Oatchi, as well as the return of caves from Pikmin 2.
Planescape Torment & Icewind Dale: Enhanced Editions
Shockingly good ports of two CRPG classics developed by Black Isle. Icewind Dale is a more combat-centric take on the "isometric D&D campaign" formula, while Planescape: Torment is considered one of the best-written games of all time, with less-stellar combat systems. Both are masterpieces of the genre regardless.
Pocky & Rocky Reshrined
Arcade Shooter
Remake of the fantastic Natsume top-down shooter with co-op play. Adds new gameplay features and unlockable characters. Charming fantasy-Japan setting and excellent chiptune music. Not a long campaign, but meant to be replayed for fun or score.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
RPG / Monster Sim
A refreshing take on the Pokémon formula, taking place in a 19th century Sinnoh region from Diamond & Pearl. Cool new systems include a Breath of the Wild-esque open world, tweaks to combat, catching Pokémon right on the overworld and incentives for catching as many of them as possible. Dull graphics and a lack of multi-player sour the experience, but this is still the most exciting Pokémon game in years.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX
RPG / Roguelike
A remake of the GBA's Red/Blue Rescue Team. You are human turned into a Pokémon and must explore randomized dungeons in order to raise prestige and solve mysteries. Has a new paint-like artstyle and a few new features like Megaevolutions.
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown
Shockingly good metroidvania from Ubisoft. You play as a Persian elite soldier who must traverse a mountain-city in order to rescue the kidnapped Prince of Persia. Use your unique time-powers and unlock new abilities in order to advance. Might be most notable for its nice quality-of-life features to the genre, such as the ability to place a singular fast-travel point, and the ability to take screenshots and place them on the map in order to keep track of places to return to once new powers are unlocked.
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Matching Puzzle
An unexpected but extremely effective combination of two matching-puzzle legends, which allows you to play with either ruleset in a single-player campaign or (more exciting) local and online multi-player. Features a fun story mode with lots of cute characters not shown in the NA box art for some reason.
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2
Matching Puzzle
Basically just improves upon the near-perfect original with improved online netcode, some new modes, and a more expansive, RPG-esque adventure mode. You should jump straight to this one if you haven't played the first game already; it's one of the best puzzle games on the system, if not ever.
Rayman Legends Definitive Edition
Arcade Platformer
Port of the gorgeous-looking 2D Rayman platformer with hand-drawn graphics and up to four-player local co-op. A very fun, and occasionally quite challenging, classic-style platformer with some collectibles and extra modes. Runs better on other platforms, but the Switch version is totally serviceable.
Red Dead Redemption
Action / Sandbox
Port of the open-world wild-west classic from Rockstar. Play as John Marston as he goes on a revenge hunt for his old crew that betrayed him. The Switch version runs well both docked and handheld, but is not much of a visual improvement for the game. Includes the awesome Undead Nightmare zombie DLC.
Resident Evil: Revelations Collection
Horror Shooter
A pair of decent RE spin-offs. Revelations 1 is a solid horror shooter in the style of RE4 where you play through the campaign with a CPU partner. Revelations 2 is similar, but playable entirely in local or online co-op, and sees you switching between two pairs of characters where one is the "shooter" and the other is the "supporter." Also features a new Mercenaries-style "Raid Mode" with online co-op.
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster
Enhanced port of the PS2 JRPG classic. Boasts the moral path-based storytelling of mainline Shin Megami Tensei, informed by Christian eschatology and Zoroastrian mysticism. Devilishly challenging, turn-based combat system where you recruit and fuse demons to fill out your party. Stylish, minimalist presentation. Dante DLC sold separately.
Shin Megami Tensei V
A rare mainline entry in the Shin Megami Tensei JRPG series. A stylish post-apocalyptic adventure with tough, turn-based combat and demon recruitment/fusion systems. Features more explorable stages and a more fleshed-out cast compared to previous entries, but don't expect Persona-style anime hijinks. Very solid.
Sonic Mania Plus
Arcade Platformer
A partially fan-developed 2D entry in the Sonic series, featuring refurbished levels from previous games, plus brand-new levels and modes. Considered the best new Sonic game in ages, with an excellent soundtrack to boot. Essential for fans of classic Sonic or 2D platformers in general.
Stardew Valley
Life Simulation
Uber-popular Harvest Moon-style farming sim. Inherit a disheveled plot of land and turn it into a thriving farmland by tending to daily chores while working towards longer-term goals. Deepen your relationships with a host of date-able NPCs and even play online with others. Charming sprite-based presentation. One of the best in its genre.
SteamWorld Dig 2
Survival Platformer
Subterranean, non-linear platformer similar to Terraria or a Metroidvania. Dig into dungeons for loot, enemies, and new adventures. Has a gritty steampunk look combined with cartoon visuals and irreverent humor. A solid option for fans of the genre, and pretty accomodating to younger players.
Streets of Rage 4
Arcade Beat-'em-Up
Very solid revival of the 2D beat-'em-up series. Retains the same core gameplay but expands upon character movesets and combo systems. Features excellent music and hand-drawn HD animations, as well as local and online co-op. Expect some tough boss fights. The DLC expansion is extremely worth it as well.
Super Bomberman R
Puzzle Action
The same Bomberman as always: set down different types of bombs on grid-based stages to defeat enemies and competitors in thrilling, explosive rounds. Features a pretty mediocre story mode, but local and online multi-player are really where it's at. Not the best entry in the series by a long shot, but will satisfy fans.
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury
3D Platformer
Enhanced Switch port of the underappreciated Wii U game, a linear 3D platformer for up to four players where a lot of the fun comes from inventive stage gimmicks and the chaos generated by multi-player mayhem. Features a brand-new, separate campaign that plays more like Mario Odyssey, though it lasts only a couple hours and features limited co-op.
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
2D Platformer
Arguably a return to form for 2D Mario games after nearly two decades of playing it safe with the New Super Mario Bros. series. Containes new odd powerups, including elephant, bubble, and drill powers. The major gimmick change for the game are the new wonder flowers, which after aquired, transforms the level, or the characters in a different and interesting way for each stage. Combined with fantastic visuals and tight controls, it is one of the best 2D entries in the series in a long time.
Super Mario Odyssey
Collect-a-thon Platformer
The Switch's entry in the series of 3D Mario collect-a-thon platformers, Odyssey's new gimmick allows you to temporarily take over the bodies of various enemies and use their abilities to your advantage. Features more collectibles than ever, and the same super-solid gameplay as always, even if it isn't quite as memorable as Galaxy or Sunshine.
Super Mario RPG
A remake of the beloved Squaresoft SNES classic. Includes new gameplay mechanics and cutscenes alongside sterilized visuals and new lower difficulty options. Might not be preferrable compared to the original, but it is a solid option for new players and makes for good nostalgia for fans of the original.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Arena Brawler
It really earns the Ultimate in the title, with 82 playable characters (including DLC), mind-blowing third-party additions, a robust single-player campaign, revamped graphics and move sets, and a slew of customization options. Won't replace Melee in the hearts of hardcore fans, but is definitely an essential purchase for anyone who loves video games.
Tactics Ogre: Reborn
A remaster of the 2010 PSP remake of the 1995 SNES strategy RPG classic. Micromanaging your team is now easier as units level individually. New controls and smarter AI make combat way less arduous and more engaging, making this the definitive version of the game.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection
A huge collection of classic TMNT games. Includes Arcade/NES/SNES/Genesis/Gameboy releases, including both versions of Turtles in Time and all three versions of Tournament Fighter.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
Beat'em up
A love-letter/followup to Turtles in Time by the Scott Pilgrim devs. Play as any of the four turtles or Spliter, April, and the unlockable Casey Jones. Longer than average beat'em up that has you running around New York fighting basically every iconic series villian. Multiple unlockable moves for each character further adds to replayability. You can throw enemies towards the screen.
Supergiant-developed, isometric action-RPG starring a mysterious singer and her talking sword in a rainy cyberpunk world. Real-time combat that's serviceable but unimpressive. Great music, accomplished ambiance, and intriguing story are the main draws here. A very solid single-player experience.
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
A stopgap between NMH2 and 3 that mostly plays as a third-person action game with various gameplay gimmicks that change with each stage. As usual, full of retro game references and Suda51's particular sense of humor. Non-fans of the series might be a little lost, and it feels a bit slight for a full game.
Trials of Mana
3D remake of the Japan-only Square classic Seiken Densetsu 3 (SNES). Choose your three-person party and embark on a fantasy adventure with fully-active combat and a class-based progression system. Includes new content and character-specific story resolutions. Fairly easy, but enchanting, and essential for retro JRPG fans.
Triangle Strategy
Tactics RPG
A tactics RPG with the same "HD-2D" visual style as Octopath Traveler, with turn-based strategic combat and class-based promotions similar to Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics. A solid entry in the genre with a compelling dynastic story and gameplay that suffers from bloat/tedium in the latter half.
Unicorn Overlord
Tactics RPG
Strategy game by Vanillaware, inspired by the Ogre Battle series. Combat takes place in real time with the ability to pause, and battles play out based on unit attributes. Contains over 60 unique units. There is also an overworld and towns to explore and upgrade your units in, as well as partake in optional battles. Contains the gorgeous art and visuals Vanillaware is known for.
Untitled Goose Game
Puzzle Adventure
Quirky cel-shaded indie game where you play as a troublemaking goose in a rural English village, stealing tools and swapping objects to solve environmental puzzles while avoiding the enraged townsfolk. Short but funny.
Valkyria Chronicles 4
A return to consoles for Sega's series, which combines turn-based tactics with real-time combat in a fantasy-steampunk setting. Is the best game in the series since the first, and playable without knowing anything about the previous games. Pleasant, toon-shaded style and compelling squad-based gameplay.
Turn-Based Strategy
Turn-based indie strategy game in a cartoon fantasy world, with various campaigns based on different factions and unit classes. Remarkably similar to Advance Wars in terms of gameplay and sprite-based visual presentation, though not as solid as those games. Still worthwhile for fans of the series.
Wild Guns Reloaded
Arcade Shooter
Enhanced port of the SNES arcade-style gallery-shooter, featuring two new characters and up to four-player local co-op. Cool Wild West steampunk setting. A great time despite the short campaign, which encourages playing for score.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Action RPG
You are Geralt of Rivia, a witcher - that is, a monster hunter and mercenary. Travel around the world, helping or hindering others, while fighting the mysterious army known only as "Wild Hunt". While combat may vary in enjoyability from person to person, the real hook is the story. The switch verison looks and runs worse than any other platforms but works well enough if you really want to play on the go.
The Wonderful 101
Character Action
Port of the unique Wii U action game by Hideki Kamiya. Assemble dozens of colorful superheroes into massive structures (like fists, guns, and swords) to fight cartoon enemies in vibrant, isometric environments. Plays like a combination of Pikmin and a character action game. Awesome story.
Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
Remake of the sleeper-hit Wii JRPG, with revamped, more explictly "anime" visuals. A free-roaming sci-fantasy adventure with large, explorable environments and real-time, party-based combat. Solid story and compelling setting. Captures a real sense of adventure. Features some new story content as well.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Solid JRPG follow-up to Xenoblade Chronicles, with more of the free-roaming exploration and real-time combat that the series is known for, now with a more overtly "anime" style, tone, and sense of humor, which not everyone will be receptive to. No direct story connections to the previous games.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Ditches the Blades system and rng elements from 2 but retains the anime stylings. The story revolves around an endless war where soldiers are lab-grown with a limited lifespan. Thematically similar to the previous games in the series, including an open world for exploration and a lot of sidequests, but now you can control up to seven swappable party members at a time in combat.